National Wealth Center Review Archives

National Wealth Center – Don’t Get SCAMMED!

National Wealth Center – Don’t Get SCAMMED!


I wanted to take the time to write a post about something I’ve seen happen over and over in the home based business industry.  What I’m talking about is people getting SCAMMED not only in the National Wealth Center opportunity but in just about any online opportunity.

People getting Scammed is something I have always fought against as much as possible in this industry.

From the first day I got involved in this industry with National Wealth Center I said to myself that I am going to be honest and straightforward from the start and teach people the real reality of what success means in this industry instead of all the lies, hype, and garbage out there that just about everyone else was doing…

After reading this post you’ll be able to spot any type of online scam or sponsor out there in any type of opportunity and know exactly what to watch out for!

How To Spot A National Wealth Center Scam or Online Scam

There are several things to look out for while looking into a home based opportunity like National Wealth Center and that would be mainly be what the sponsor of the opportunity or the ‘system’ has for you when signing up and joining.

I’ll list here several points of what to watch out for and STAY FAR AWAY FROM when joining any kind of online opportunity:

  • Cannot see or get to know an actual real person behind the sponsor you are signing up with
  • Anyone telling you a ‘guarantee’ that you will get ‘guaranteed’ signups is an OUTRIGHT SCAM; business is business and there is NO guarantees – this is wrong and also completely illegal to put guarantees for any business
  • ‘Systems’ that you take part in and not being able to talk to the person who created the system or find out about how the system works
  • ‘Systems’ making income claims and guarantees – again this is illegal.  You have to have an income disclaimer for any type of business online or make this public
  • If a sponsor will not take the time to speak with you – either through email, skype, or phone – then it is a good idea to not move forward with that individual

I’ve seen it all online in my career and the points above are what most everyone who has been scammed online report to me.

I’ll also say that things like ‘systems’ ‘rotators’ ‘co-ops’ etc. are always usually associated with scamming tons of people believing that these types of things will do all the work for them for just signing up.  As to why people keep believing and falling for these types of scams are beyond me but let’s look at what to look for when getting involved with an online opportunity.

What to look for in a National Wealth Center sponsor or any sponsor in any opportunity:

  • Make sure you see or can talk to a real life person as a sponsor in an opportunity; please be courteous to their time as most leaders sponsor hundreds or thousands of people and are incredibly busy with their own lives and will get back to you when time allows
  • Make sure the sponsor or team you get involved with give honest and realistic expectations for the business and not hype or exaggerated unfounded income claims
  • Make sure you can ask questions or see how a ‘system’ really works if you are taking part in that system – do your due diligence and especially make sure you know where the traffic is generated as some traffic sources are complete garbage
  • Ask your questions to a sponsor and see how well they answer you questions as they will prove their credibility over and over above anything

Have You Been Scammed By A National Wealth Center Sponsor Or System?

I get emails everyday from people in the National Wealth Center opportunity and all kinds of opportunities telling me how badly they were scammed by ‘systems’ & ‘rotators’ etc. promising them untold signups and results and gave none and this is the main reason people seek me out most of all.

Just goes to show you that when you are honest above all and treat people how you would like to be treated, will allow you to do huge things in an online opportunity.

This is an industry that is all about helping other people, and those who scam and hurt others only last for a very short time.  This is why you see these same individuals jump from opportunity to opportunity or are always changing their systems over and over with different names…

If those things actually worked, then why the need to change all the time?  I hope the light bulb finally clicked 😉

So if you are ready for the real reality and the real truth to absolutely dominating with a great 100% commission based business and have a real person that is going to walk you through every part of your success, then go ahead and click the ‘register now’ button below…
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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

How To Become Your Own Economy!

How To Become Your Own Economy!

national wealth center economy

I’ve been well aware and have experienced the downside of the economy in the past and in the traditional sense of ‘getting a job’ as this is what everyone thinks when they think ‘economy’.  Economy to most everyone means getting a job to support yourself in paying your bills, supporting your family, buying what you want or need etc.

What I am here to tell everyone however is that you are more than able to ‘create your own economy’…

What this means is that when you decide to join a great online program like National Wealth Center you can create your own economy by working your business hard for an unlimited income instead of the usual ‘go find a job’ and are paid to what they think you are worth.

I made this decision 4 years ago when I first got started in home based business and I’ll be honest the transition was a bit scary, but my will to succeed and walk away from the ‘job’ mentality was the best decision I ever made.

So Exactly How Do You Create Your Own Economy?

Creating your own economy is just 3 simple steps:

1.  Join National Wealth Center (pays you 100% commissions)

2.  Setup and Understand Your Business (I walk you through this)

3.  Work Your National Wealth Center Business hard (I walk you through step by step in my training:

That’s it, now I do realize there are all kinds of online business opportunities out there, but if you do your research and you read the rest of this site you’ll understand that National Wealth Center is the quickest way to make huge amounts of money fast with the compensation plan and the 100% commissions.

Believe me, it’s much better to be paid on 100% of your effort and get all those 100% commissions of $25, $50, $100 payments coming in all the time 😉

Ready To Start Your Own Economy?

So if you are reading this and ready to start your own economy and you are an action taker, then all you have to do is make the decision to get started.

If you are the type that has never been involved with online marketing and are worried about the learning curve, not knowing how the industry works, etc. then let me tell you that I will absolutely be walking you through step by step within my exclusive training site.

So let’s start your own economy and live life on YOUR terms and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

10 Day Challenge Is Now Live!

10 Day Challenge Is Now Live for National Wealth Center Training!

10 Day Challenge National Wealth Center

In a former post I mentioned that I was about to finish the new ’10 Day Challenge’ for my National Wealth Center members to use to go through a daily 10 step training to learn the real secrets of dominating with online marketing.

Now I can officially say that this new training has officially launched and is now live for all of my members to use and benefit from as much as possible.

This has taken alot of work on my part but is just another huge incentive to help my members as much as possible to achieve the same success as I have.

This New ’10 Day Challenge’ walks everyone through 10 daily steps and by the end of the 10 days you will be the authority and the leader for whatever opportunity you are promoting.

I can confidently say this is the BEST training in the market specifically for a home based business/online network marketing opportunity!

So How Does the 10 Day Challenge Help You in National Wealth Center?

The ’10 Day Challenge’ will help you in National Wealth Center, even if you are a complete beginner, because it takes you by the hand and walks you through every step in completely dominating online for the opportunity.  It teaches all the real insider ‘secrets’ and strategies to what all top leaders do to make tons of commissions in their opportunity while others make nothing.

I can confidently say that if you commit to completing all 10 days for your National Wealth Center business, you will be ahead of 95% of other marketers out there.

In fact, I share everything I have ever learned and have personally done to be able to retire in a short 2 years with online marketing.

Here are just a few things I walk everyone through in the ’10 Day Challenge’:

  • Each day will be expanded upon based on your feedback going through each day,
    this is the best training online for successful promotion of a home based business
    and will be expanded on as well to give everyone as much detail and assistance as
    possible for every aspect of killing it online in your opportunity
  • This applies to ANY opportunity and the training, tools, resources etc. are made
    to assist you in promoting whatever opportunity you are involved with
  • You watch over my shoulder as I build an opportunity right in front of you in the
    tutorials from building a main website around the opportunity as well as quick
    immediate sales tactics
  • You watch me take about 10 minutes to build a successful sales funnel and
    then watch me run it through paid advertising
  • I go through the real secrets of what all huge leaders are doing within their
    opportunity so you can do the exact same thing and model

There is no fluff, hype, or run around whatsoever, just walkthrough tutorial videos and daily assignments you complete at the end of each day to become a master marketer in the shortest amount of time you can imagine!

So How Do You Get Access to the ’10 Day Challenge’ to Dominate in Your National Wealth Center Business?

To gain access to the ’10 Day Challenge’ you MUST be sponsored directly by me in National Wealth Center.  I have many people that email me everyday wanting access to my training site but cannot access because they are not signed up with me directly.

The only way you can get access to my training is to be sponsored by me directly in the National Wealth Center program.

And Yes, you can share the training site with your referrals so success can duplicate as quickly as possible for everyone involved.

I ALWAYS continually expand and update the training and this training has grown into the most successful online marketing resource in the industry.

So if you are looking into the National Wealth Center program and are wanting REAL help and REAL training that works, then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now




National Wealth Center Admin Fee Changes!

National Wealth Center Admin  Fee Changes!

national wealth center new admin fee changes

National Wealth Center just announced new admin fee changes in May of 2016 for the National Wealth Center program!  In an effort to really listen and adhere to members feedback, the company has made changes to the $19.95 admin fee that has been effective for quite some time in the company for members admin fees every month to access and use the program.

What I will do in this post is go over exactly what the company has stated within the company email to each member, so you will know you are getting the correct information straight from the source.

So What Are the New National Wealth Center Admin Fee Changes?

As reported straight from the company, here are the exact details:

National Wealth Center brings back $9.95 admin fee. It’s live now.

We now have a Basic $9.95 monthly admin fee  and Premium $19.95 monthly.

Existing members are already a Premium Membership.

Basic Membership offers the basic nuts-and-bolts to get you rolling plus NSC (usage only) and you can do business at the residual business centers only.

Premium Membership offers everything including, our new Survey capture page, NWC Core, Vehicle Advantage, able to sell the one-time product business centers, usage of NSC (National Savings Center) and a free $20 Premium membership in which is the best value by far.

No program can offer what National Wealth Center can with a flat-rate admin fee and 100% direct commissions on seven business centers from $25-$7500.

So in summary the company now offers a very inexpensive $9 admin fee with a more value $19 if members choose to have that admin fee if wanting to upgrade to get the full value.

What is My Personal Thoughts on the New Admin Fee Changes?

I think this is a great change to include those interested in the National Wealth Center program that would have hesitation paying the $19 admin fee in addition to the monthly $25, $50, $100 monthly product levels.

The $9 admin fee is very unique in the world of countless online business opportunities, and any time you can be unique and set yourself apart and most importantly allow anyone regardless of finances start in the program with an inexpensive admin fee, then that is a great asset to have and offer out there to prospects.

So if you were a little hesitant of that $19 admin fee and want to get started in the program with the new admin fee, then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

10 Day Challenge – Creating Awesome Content for Members!

I’ve been really quiet on this site for awhile as I have been working many sleepless nights creating an all new training series for my National Wealth Center members called the ’10 Day Challenge’…

This is an all new training series where you go through each of the 10 days from beginning to end and teaches you EXACTLY how to completely dominate an online business opportunity.

These are also the EXACT same strategies I’ve used in online marketing to create huge results which led to myself being able to retire in 2 short years.  In fact you get to watch me take a completely brand new home based business opportunity in real time through the 10 daily steps right in front of you in the tutorial videos each day…

This really puts all of the training strategies I teach within the main training site ( and puts each strategy into daily actionable steps and also has daily assignments you complete at the end of each day!

This is something I’ve really worked on for quite some time off and on and proud to say it is coming to completion for my members to benefit from greatly.

Why the Need for the 10 Day Challenge?

The main reasons I put together the ’10 Day Challenge’ are as follows:

  • Huge need in the industry for real honest expert training on what actually works in the online home based business industry
  • Wanted to put together daily step by step training series with daily assignments to be completed to keep members on task
  • Needed training on the real ‘secret’ on how to dominate and saturate the market with huge amounts of effective content for your business

These are just a few reasons but the main reason I put this training together is because there is a huge desperate need for this type of daily step by step training specifically for home based business and how to dominate a home based business.

The ’10 Day Challenge’ is for any business you want to run through and complete the 10 daily steps to dominate with, and not just for National Wealth Center by any means.  It is for ANY home based business my members accessing my training want to run through and dominate with.

How Do You Get Access to the New ’10 Day Challenge’?

To gain access to the ’10 Day Challenge’ which is only available for my members accessing my training site (, you MUST be a DIRECT MEMBER to myself with National Wealth Center.

I go above and beyond each and every week to help my members have as much success as possible, so if you are looking for someone that is going to teach you everything you’ll ever need to know about having huge success with any online opportunity, then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…
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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

National Wealth Center Rotator?

National Wealth Center Rotators?

national wealth center rotators

Not a day goes by that I do not receive an email from saying asking me about some type of rotator system for the National Wealth Center program Or someone is telling me how they were completely burned and scammed by some type of ‘rotator’ system.

Unfortunately as an opportunity like National Wealth Center grows in popularity, marketers will create all kinds of ‘systems’ to entice prospects into joining within that ‘system’.

Due to everyone asking my honest advice I thought it would be a great idea to make a page just for this subject and give everyone the cold hard truth about these types of ‘systems’.

First of all let me clearly state that I am not talking negatively or bashing any group or marketers within the National Wealth Center program, I am giving my unbiased explanation of how a rotator REALLY works and the actual real TRUTH of what you can expect when joining or being a part of any type of ‘rotator’ marketing system.

You are more than welcome to form your own opinions and join whatever situation you feel fits you best.

On this page I’ll discuss and explain what a ‘rotator’ is, how they function, and most importantly the truth about if these can actually give you the ‘guarantees’ and results they most always claim.

So What Is A Rotator and How Do They Work For National Wealth Center?

First off let me state that a Rotator for National Wealth Center is NOT from the company itself or endorsed by the company itself.

Rotators for the National Wealth Center program are created, put together, and managed by marketers or groups of marketers themselves within the National Wealth Center program.

A Rotator is just simply a link, that has several other links embedded within a link that simply rotates whenever a click happens on the rotator link istelf.

For instance a rotator link could contain 4 different links or 40 different links to different pages within just the 1 main rotating link, hence giving the name rotator meaning the different links rotate whenever a click happens.

Marketers have used these types of rotating links for many different marketing strategies, most of which would be to test different landing pages when promoting a product to see which one gets the best results. I’ve used this strategy myself when promoting products and I can confidently say it is absolutely essential in testing which page performs the best, in the case of promoting a product from clickbank for example.

Now in the case of a home based business opportunity like National Wealth Center or any home based business opportunity, members links would be placed into the rotator and as clicks came into the rotator link, each members site would be visited by users clicking that link in a rotating manner.

So What is the Good and the Bad of Taking Part in a Rotator for National Wealth Center?

Here I will list the good vs. the bad (and the ugly) in taking part in one of these type of systems or being part of a rotator type of system:

The Good

  • Helps people who have no clue or ability on how to market in getting clicks to their site
  • Somewhat helps members learn some aspect of marketing in how marketing is done
  • Some rotator systems have shown to give short term small success in generating sales

The Bad

  • Rotator creators usually hide behind websites and do not put their info out there to be contacted for questions
  • Rotator systems usually make absurd income claims for members doing no work; this is lying and outright hype
  • Rotator systems bring out false sense of entitlement as the systems claim to ‘do all the work’; another lie
  • Rotator systems cause a bad environment usually in opportunities, as the rotators keep making absurd claims about guaranteed signups and sales

The Ugly

  • No one in any opportunity in a rotator system has ever made a full time income except possibly the creator of the rotator system (this is why the creators of the rotator system keep jumping from opportunity to opportunity after the ‘rotator’ is played out)
  • In a Rotator, you have NO idea where the traffic is coming from (could be fake bots opting in) or if the traffic is the least bit credible
  • In most rotator systems, you are never allowed to market your own links or brand yourself whatsoever; this is a huge and terrible mistake in online marketing
  • It is completely and mathematically impossible for any sizeable number of links within a Rotator to get reasonable and credible amount of traffic and clicks without the rotation to take forever
  • It is always much quicker, easier, and much more profitable to just buy your own traffic
  • Rotator systems are what is called ‘biz opp welfare‘ among real marketers because people who are attracted to a rotator system thinking all the work for them have a ‘welfare’ type of mentality and will do absolutely nothing to build their business
  • Taking part in any system that makes false promises or promises to do all the work for you completely robs you of learning how to become a great marketer and create your own skillset to make money at will

So What Is My Personal Opinion of National Wealth Center Rotator Systems?

Again this is my personal opinion as having a very successful long term career in the industry and NEVER jumping from any opportunity to another, but taking part in anything where you can believe or think that success is going to be given to you is not only completely ignorant, but is also completely irresponsible.

As to why anyone would ever believe or think that anything would give them success without them learning and applying themselves is shocking to me, but as we know unfortunately people will fall for anything and this type of deception always give the industry a bad name to say the least.

This is much like joining a gym, wanting to lose weight and get great shape, and then believing that someone else is going to do all the work for you and get you results…pretty crazy right? Well this is the SAME mentality with an online business and believing or thinking a ‘system’ or a ‘rotator’ is going to get you all the success for your business!

There may be some ethical and upright type of rotator systems out there, but honestly all I’ve ever seen from these types of things are people getting hurt and scammed by the ridiculous income guarantee claims of signups and sales which are completely fake and dishonest to say the least.

There is an old saying ‘”If it’s too good to be true, then it usually is” which comes to mind, unfortunately in the internet marketing industry nothing is really regulated to the point and just about anyone can say anything to try and take your money.

I was raised with values and integrity, and that’s the way I’ve always conducted myself online. I never lie to anyone and I honestly tell people what it takes to make a large income online and train them on how to create great content and drive their own traffic as much as they want when they want for their own results.

I have trained and made great marketers who have taken my advice and training and built large teams and organizations in all kind of opportunities because they learned how to build and brand themselves and generate their own traffic, results, and sales.

This is the only thing that will set you free…becoming a great marketer (I will train you step by step) and developing your own skills and your own results.

Again, I’m not saying that all ‘systems’ are bad whatsoever, but as anything in life if you are looking at getting involved in these types of things please understand that your success will be very limited and it is very important to do your due diligence and research to make sure what you are joining is credible.

So if you are reading this post and will let me train and teach you how to get real success then click that ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

How To Make A Million Dollars with the National Wealth Center Program

If I can show you the simple math of how to make a  million dollars with the National Wealth Center program, hopefully this will make you breakthrough some mindset issues and show just how easy huge income takes a life of it’s own with the amazing compensation plan of this business opportunity.

Plus if you are not thinking BIG with an opportunity you are not inspiring yourself to what is possible 🙂

With the 3 monthly product levels and the higher 1 time product purchases this is actually much easier and more unique to accomplish this goal vs. every other online opportunity out there.

Here is how simple and easy 1 million dollars can be when you apply yourself for the long term and put work and effort into the National Wealth Center business and apply the Reverse 2 up Compensation Plan:

In this example for the 3 monthly levels ($25, $50, $100) we will be showing how the monthly income compounds and compounds with the ‘Power of 4’ which is how the compensation plan works in you referring just 4 people initially and then the opportunity takes a life of it’s own with passup sales occurring over and over from your referrals to an infinite level!

Using these examples we will set a small amount of time in just 10 weeks…

Here Is The Simple Math Of How To Make A Million Dollars With The National Wealth Center Opportunity:

For the $25 self development level:

The Power of 4

Let’s say that everyone only gets 4 people their first week and duplicates…

Week 1
You get your 4 signups, you pass 2 of them upline to your sponsor.
You keep 2.  So 2 X $25 = 50

Week 2
Your 2 signups get their 4 signups.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 4.
So 4 X $25 = $100

Week 3
Your 4 signups get their 4 signups.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for  a total of 8 now.
So 8 X $25 = $200
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 4
Your 8 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 16.
So 16 X $25 = $400
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 5
Your 16 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 32.
So 32 X $25 = $800
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 6
Your 32 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 64.
So 64 X $25 = $1600
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Let’s skip to week 10…

Week 10

Your 512 get their 4.

Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 1024.

So 1024 X $25 = $25,600

*Add that to the people from the prior week rolling to this week

A monthly income of $25,600 would give you a yearly income of $307,200 yearly, in a very short 3 1/2 years JUST on the $25 level you are Now A Millionaire.


Let’s take a look at the referrals on the $50 business development level:

The Power of 4

Let’s say that everyone only gets 4 people their first week and duplicates…

Week 1
You get your 4 signups, you pass 2 of them upline to your sponsor.
You keep 2.  So 2 X $50 = $100

Week 2
Your 2 signups get their 4 signups.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 4.
So 4 X $50 = $200

Week 3
Your 4 signups get their 4 signups.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 8 now.
So 8 X $50 = $400
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 4
Your 8 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 16.
So 16 X $50 = $800
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 5
Your 16 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 32.
So 32 X $50 = $1600
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 6
Your 32 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 64.
So 64 X $50 = $3200
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Let’s skip to week 10…

Week 10

Your 512 get their 4.

Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 1024.

So 1024 X $50 = $51,200

*Add that to the people from the prior week rolling to this week

With a Monthly Income of $51,200 that would give you a yearly income of $614,400.  In just 2 short years you are Now a Millionaire!


Now let’s look at the $100 wealth development level:

The Power of 4

Let’s say that everyone only gets 4 people their first week and duplicates…

Week 1
You get your 4 signups, you pass 2 of them upline to your sponsor.
You keep 2.  So 2 X $100 = $200

Week 2
Your 2 signups get their 4 signups.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 4.
So 4 X $100 = $400

Week 3
Your 4 signups get their 4 signups.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 8 now.
So 8 X $100 = $800
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 4
Your 8 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 16.
So 16 X $100 = $1600
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 5
Your 16 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 32.
So 32 X $100 = $3200
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 6
Your 32 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 64.
So 64 X $100 = $6400
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Let’s skip to week 10…

Week 10

Your 512 get their 4.

Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 1024.

So 1024 X $100 = $102,400

*Add that to the people from the prior week rolling to this week

With a monthly income of $102,400 you would have a yearly income of $1,228,800!  In just 1 year within 10 weeks you just Become a Millionaire!


Now let’s look at something very interesting and where the National Wealth Center Program gets really awesome, let’s say your referrals join ALL 3 monthly levels which would be $175 per referral (most referrals join all 3 levels to maximize income):

The Power of 4

Let’s say that everyone only gets 4 people their first week and duplicates…

Week 1
You get your 4 signups, you pass 2 of them upline to your sponsor.
You keep 2.  So 2 X $175 = $350

Week 2
Your 2 signups get their 4 signups.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 4.
So 4 X $175 = $700

Week 3
Your 4 signups get their 4 signups.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for  a total of 8 now.
So 8 X $175 = $1400
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 4
Your 8 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 16.
So 16 X $175 = $2800
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 5
Your 16 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 32.
So 32 X $175 = $5600
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Week 6
Your 32 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 64.
So 64 X $175 = $11,200
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week

Let’s skip to week 10…

Week 10

Your 512 get their 4.

Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 1024.

So 1024 X $175 = $179,200

*Add that to the people from the prior week rolling to this week

With a monthly income of $179,200 you now have a yearly income of $2,150,400 which is 2 million dollars!  Not bad for 10 weeks of work and passive income continue to compound and compound!

Let’s play the conservative side and say you do just 20% of what I’ve mentioned with any combination of monthly levels, wouldn’t that be awesome regardless?

And also I haven’t even mentioned the Higher 1 time product purchases ($250, $1000, $3500) that will further explode your income on top of the monthly residual payments outlined above!

So Is Making a Million Dollars Really Possible With National Wealth Center?

As you can see from the outlines I’ve made, making a Million Dollars with National Wealth Center is not only possible, it’s very much probable if you just decide to make it happen and get yourself to work.

I would also like to mention that for this type of results to happen, you will also need an easy method of duplication for your downline as well to get these numbers and that’s where my Ultimate NWC Funnel comes into play for yourself and for your downline.

This will really supercharge your income and results even further!

So what are you waiting for?  You won’t become a millionaire just by thinking about it, you will become a millionaire by taking big action in your National Wealth Center business and I’ll be training you every step of the way as well.

Click the ‘Register Now’ below to get started…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

The Real Secret To Success in Online Marketing

The Real Secret To Success in Online Marketing

real secret to success online marketing national wealth center

Everyone has always asked me this question:  “Hey James, So What’s the Real Secret to Success Online?” or “How Do You REALLY Have that Much Success?” or “What Do You Really Do Online?” or something to that effect that I have some kind of ‘secret’ that I am hiding from the public on what it really takes to achieve big success online.

Well this post is going to be about the absolute truth on how I was able to retire in 2 short years with the power of online marketing and with this great program National Wealth Center as well.

So if you really want to know what it takes to get real success online vs. the lies, garbage, hype, etc. that is so unfortunately rampant in this industry then listen up to every word in this post because this is the truth!

So What is the Real Secret to Success in Online and Online Network Marketing?

So here it is, to have huge and long term success with National Wealth Center or whatever business program or product you are promoting online you need to really focus on 2 very simple concepts:

Action Vs. InAction

Yep, that’s it…all you ever need to concern yourself with in determining how hugely successful you are going to be or how much of a colossal failure you are going to be is the simple concept of Action Vs. InAction.

So what the heck am I talking about when referring to Action Vs. InAction?

Well with being very hugely successful in the industry for a long term stretch of 4 years now of being an online entrepreneur and working with thousands of people in my personal downline with National Wealth Center and also within my training site ( I can 100% tell you that these 2 concepts of Action Vs InAction are everything when it comes to achieving success online as an entrepreneur.

Let’s look at the these 2 concepts in depth to understand better what I am trying to come across in this post to achieve massive success online, we’ll look at each individually then talk about the concepts together:

1. Action

– The concept of Action is working and completing a task or a goal.  For the new online marketing it could be something as simple as making a post on their website (like this post you are reading now) or starting their first paid advertising campaign.  It could also be something more time involved such as building their first website or creating and testing a sales funnel.

The main part of action is DOING.  This is what separates big time money making marketers from people who ‘just try it out’ or ‘go through the motions’ or ‘I’ll get to it later’.

You have to be an ACTION TAKER.  This is literally the fundamental reason to what will make you huge amounts of money online vs. making absolutely nothing online.

2. InAction

– The concept of InAction is never getting started or either never completing a task or a goal.  Whatever the task or goal may be, whether incredible simple and easy liking taking 2 min to index a website post or making a video review of your online business to market to the world, never getting these tasks done is what InAction is all about and will lead to online marketing desperation faster than you can blink.

The main part of InAction is THINKING.  This is what really separates InAction takers from Action takers.  Thinking is a good thing in it’s own right, but if it is causing your marketing tasks and business building activities to be continually procrastinated or ‘getting to it tomorrow’ then you are dead in the water.

The excuse of ‘not having enough time’ has been used to avoid countless goals since the beginning of mankind from people who are just not wanting success and are also completely lazy.

If you want to be successful online, you HAVE to get away from InAction at all costs.  Unfortunately alot of marketers fall into this category for a number of huge amount of reasons and is why the never make a sale or even have 1 referral into their online business.

The Real Secret to Online Success is Understanding Action Vs. InAction In Depth

Now let’s look at both of these concepts together so you will understand that having success with National Wealth Center or any online business venture is all about being on the side of Action vs. being on the side of InAction.

Marketers who are on the side of Action do these things:

  • Take consistent daily action on building their online business and producing valuable content
  • Don’t overthink their marketing strategy, causing procrastination (this is huge)
  • Call prospects back on a daily basis or answer emails on a daily basis from prospects
  • Make a list of several marketing activities to complete each day and make sure they are completed each day
  • Setup a routine each day of the week for completing certain marketing activities (website posts, making videos, social media posts, etc.)

In contrast, Marketers who are on the side of InAction do this:

  • Sign up into an online business and then wish or hope to make money
  • Overthink and procrastinate everything; keep trying to make things ‘good enough’
  • Do not talk to others out of fear or laziness or for whatever reason
  • Do not make lists or set daily tasks to complete each day, floundering away their time and energy
  • Do not set a routine or have any type of routine for their marketing activities

So as you can see people who take action in their business whether in National Wealth Center or any online business venture are always the ones who are Successful.

If you want to make huge money in whatever you are promoting online then be an ACTION TAKER!  And if you want step by step training and me leading you every step of the way then just click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

National Wealth Center Travel – Orlando & Destin Florida Trip!

Last week I posted on this site about the Amazing National Wealth Center My Travel Deals details, so I decided to be an action taker and actually take part in one of these travel deals!

So this post is going to be sharing a small glimpse into our spur of the moment trip we took in a montage video.  I also am learning a new video and picture editor so the final results is not near good enough as it should be until I really learn the software 😉

Here is our Florida vacation made possible by National Wealth Center:

While I did end up taking a considerable number of photos and videos, I really wanted to enjoy the time as much as possible and leave my phone off or at the resort, as I think too many people in society live their lives through their smartphones and social media, but that is the subject of another post altogether 😉

How Often Can National Wealth Center Members Use the My Travel Deals Travel Savings Deals?

National Wealth Center members can use any of the huge savings within ‘My Travel Deals’ at anytime they wish.  Whether it be the hotel savings, the huge discounts on cruises, or the incredible savings with the ‘off season steals’ where you can get weekly stays in high quality hotels and resorts for next to nothing…National Wealth Center members can take advantage of these amazing deals anytime they wish.

What’s great about being a successful internet marketer or within the network marketing industry, you have the time freedom to travel anytime you wish since you don’t have a dreadful job to report to each and everyday taking your time and effort making someone else rich.

I myself personally usually take at least 1 vacation a month, not a year like most everyone else does.  I’ve personally been to 8 countries internationally and have been to every state in the greatest country in the world the United States as well here at home.

My girlfriend had her spring break from classes so was the perfect opportunity to take part to a trip to Florida 😉

How Can You Take Once a Month Vacations Like I Do?

Well first of all you need to make your mind up to create a business and income for yourself with the National Wealth Center program.

Secondly you need to create a mindset where you are going to be successful at building your business and create for yourself a life of freedom and without limits.

Thirdly, and most importantly, you need to click the ‘Register Now’ button below and you will be receiving a Welcome Email from myself to get you into training and start accessing these amazing travel deals yourself…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

National Wealth Center Travel – My Travel Deals

National Wealth Center Travel – My Travel Deals

An often overlooked aspect of the National Wealth Center Program is a great discount travel platform called ‘My Travel Deals’ which is located within the savings program of National Savings Center, which is an absolutely free savings platform for all National Wealth Center members.

I’ve made a very detailed video on just how awesome these deals are and how to take advantage in this video, make sure to watch here:

While there are many great deals within the National Wealth Center My Travel Deals, as you can see the ‘offseason steals’ offer HUGE savings and unbelievable week long travel getaways for next to nothing!

Why is the National Wealth Center My Travel Deals So Important?

The National Wealth Center My Travel Deals is important because it is another feature of the opportunity that gives more and more value to the member base.

What person doesn’t love unbelievable travel deals like $99 for an entire week stay at an amazing resort? 

Well this is just another reality of the National Wealth Center program with it’s discount travel feature.

Being a successful online network marketing and a leader within the National Wealth Center opportunity, one of the biggest perks of having time freedom with online success is being able to travel whenever I want, wherever I want. 

Being able to log in and book an amazing travel deal with My Travel Deals is makes the process much easier and quicker and then I’m off on a plane while continuing to receive passive income from the National Wealth Center program!

Travel has always been like therapy for me and I feel like if more people were able to travel more often, they would have much more fun and be able to experience what life really has to offer, I can say that travel really changed my life for the better.

So How Do You Get Access To the Amazing Travel Deals in National Wealth Center?

As stated in this post, access to the National Wealth Center My Travel Deals is a completely free service for all National Wealth Center members.  As shown in the video, you access the My Travel Deals through the back office of National Wealth Center through the National Savings Center platform available to all NWC members.

Another great feature about these amazing travel deals is that the feature allows you to market the opportunity in a whole new relatable way.  Any National Wealth Center member can just strike up a conversation about discount travel with anyone and anyone would be interested in getting HUGE discounts on travel packages!

So if you are wanting to get Great Deals on travel as well as build a completely passive residual income with all the time to travel as well, then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below and I will help you every step of the way…

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James Matthews
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