Archive for July, 2017

How To Get Things DONE in Your Online Business!

how to get things done for your online business

One thing that no one will ever teach you about or discuss is how to get things done in your online business….or more specifically how to manage and get done the daily tasks of running an online business…

This not only applies if you are a National Wealth Center member, but if you are in any online business…this will teach how and what to do each day to really get your online business to the level you want to.

Most people have no clue what goes into running an online business or what you really need to focus on to produce a huge income in your online business….once you read this post you’ll always know.

What Do You Need to Focus On In Your Online Business Mainly?

The main thing anyone needs to focus on in their online business is this one crucial thing:

Generating Leads….then Converting Leads

That’s it.

It’s not the latest software for marketing, not having the most sophisticated technical websites, autoresponders, or any other fancy gimmick everyone tells you…

All it is is this:

Generating Leads…Making a Connection with that Prospect….and then Converting that Prospect…That’s it!

Now how do we generate a lead in online marketing?  Well there is countless ways to generate leads through both social and paid traffic and is something I teach in depth through my marketing training

How do you make a connection with prospects (leads)?  That’s easy….just be yourself and be as amateur as possible….just being yourself and being honest is the greatest way to have your phone ringing off the hook or leads flooding your inbox asking ‘how do I join’

How do you Convert Leads and Prospects?  This is a little more complicated as you just have to get better and better as a marketer and working your leads….either through your online methods or you can do this completely offline through presentations or just simply talking to other people about your online business.

There are alot of misconceptions surrounding online marketing but this is the ‘real secret’ about how to generate as much money as you want in any opportunity like National Wealth Center or promoting a product.

Is it Really Just that Easy?

Yes, if more and more marketers were honest like myself and other credible leaders in the industry….they would tell you to focus on generating leads as much as possible and converting those leads…

Want to know the rest of what it really takes to be hugely successful online?  Then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

james matthews national wealth center signature

James Matthews
national wealth center join now

The Truth About the National Wealth Center Company…

national wealth center company

Recently I had an incident involving the National Wealth Center company and I think it would be a great idea to take the time to write a post about what had happened…to show the real truth about what kind of company National Wealth Center really is…

Just this last week I had an incident with the post office and some of my mail was damaged…even worse one of the letters that was damaged in this incident was a check from the National Wealth Center company…how the company handled this is what I want everyone out there to know about this company and the people behind this company.

So What Exactly Happened with the National Wealth Center Company?

Like I said, part of my mail was damaged and I do use the National Wealth Center company processor (I use an online processor payment for most all transactions, but some members need to use a credit card for their memberships) for a certain amount of transactions and the company sends me a check for these commission payments…

The post office actually damaged the check so badly that half of the envelope the check was in and the check itself was torn in half.

I contacted the bank that issues the check and they stated that the company itself (NWC) would need to be contacted for myself to be re-issued another check.

Now here is what I really want everyone to know about National Wealth Center:

I contacted NWC support through email and explained the situation…not really expecting a detailed response and I was actually worried that I may have alot of difficulty trying to get this check re-issued.

Here is what happened…not only did the company support IMMEDIATELY respond to the situation and expedite the situation to make sure I got another check RIGHT AWAY, but the company CEO (Peter Wolfing) got involved in the situation as well to MAKE SURE I IMMEDIATELY GOT ANOTHER CHECK RIGHT AWAY….

Now folks…I don’t know what kind of online affiliate marketing companies you may or may not be involved with….but this company just blew me away with their support and most importantly their CARE  of the situation!

This company takes care of their members and supports their members every way possible to make sure they are paid…that’s my kind of company!

So Why Does National Wealth Center Care Unlike Most Other Online Companies?

Plain and simple…great CEO and staff behind the company…you won’t find a better CEO than Peter Wolfing who works as hard as possible supporting members of his programs.  You will not find better integrity than what Peter Wolfing has built with National Wealth Center and a more reputable long lasting online company…

Ready to join an actual company with REAL people behind the company that cares?  You bet you are…just go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below and you’ll be getting access to my Exclusive Training as soon as possible…

james matthews national wealth center signature

James Matthews
national wealth center join now