National Wealth Center Success Archives

Take Action Is The Key To Success, Stop Thinking!

Ever wonder why some people are insanely successful in National Wealth Center while others always seem to struggle? I’ve always noticed this too and this doesn’t just apply to internet marketing, it applies to anything.

just do it national wealth center

It’s a fact that the people who are the most successful at anything are the people that ‘JUST DO IT’. This is Nike’s slogan for a reason. Athletes are coached and mentored to ‘Just Do It’ each and everytime they step out onto the field. You’ll never hear a coach say to his player: “Hey Just Think It!”

Thinking too much is not only detrimental, it’s downright dangerous to success. While one person is ‘thinking about it’ there is another that is already halfway through completing the steps needed for success!

Why Do People Think So Much Before Making A Decision?

In the areas of marketing a business like National Wealth Center, people want to ‘think too much’ because they just can’t grasp the concept that they can be successful at building their own business, or just can’t see themselves having a lucrative income online, so they have to complicate the matter about 1000x by thinking how they will do things. When in reality all they have to do is follow my training. Taking their head out of the equation is a sure route to success.

Some people are just ‘thinkers’. I know I had to change my mindset in a big way when getting into online business. I was always the type that had to think and make things perfect before ever getting into action. This is dangerous for online business. You have to get yourself out there everyway possible as fast as you can, don’t ever worry about being perfect, just start taking massive action.

How Can I Start Just Doing It, Instead of Thinking Too Much?

This all starts by just taking action, whether it’s building that first website, talking to that first person about your business, learning the latest marketing strategy, etc. it’s just about taking action and taking action and taking action.

We all hear the countless stories of the internet marketers who read countless stories and e-books but never take action. Don’t be one of these people, take action with the unbridled belief that if you don’t, you’ll absolutely lose everything. That always works!

If you are the type of person that ‘takes action’, then click the ‘Register Now’ Button below to dominate National Wealth Center…

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James Matthews
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Can You Get Free With National Wealth Center?

Can You Get Freedom With National Wealth Center?

national wealth center freedom

Braveheart is one of my favorite movies, and when I think about being ‘FREE’ in terms of ‘Freedom’ I think of:

– Not having a Job

– Having ALOT of Income

– Not being Told What To Do

– Not having to Work With Miserable Co-Workers

– Being Able To Travel When You Want

– Do Whatever You Want, Whenever You Want (Most Important)

Most everyone wants ‘Financial Freedom’ whether it’s in any kind of business, but I always get asked if this is possible with an online business such as National Wealth Center. This is all dependent on the person and how hard they are willing to work in whatever business they are in, but I will say that achieving financial freedom with National Wealth Center would be much much easier than any other business out there.

Why is Freedom Easier With National Wealth Center?

There are many reasons why an Online Business is much easier than any type of business, but I’ll list the biggest benefits:

– Work When You Want

– Work From Anywhere

– Complete Residual (Passive) Income

– No Building To Open at 6:00 Am (Yikes!)

– Set Your Own Time

These are just a few of the big reasons why an online business is much better than any business. I know alot of business owners that have car dealerships, restaurants, or any type of brick & mortar business and their business completely owns their life. They cannot do anything, go anywhere due to their business having to be opened, have employees, inventory, etc. and all that headache. I’ve seen enough traditional business owners have nervous breakdowns to decide that I NEVER want to do that!

With an online business, your store is open 24/7 through the internet and you are continually gaining new and new referrals on autopilot, without you ever really doing any direct work. For me and my traveling lifestyle, National Wealth Center was an absolutely no-brainer. There is no other opportunity out there that allows anyone to get started with $25 and turn that into absolute wealth and time freedom. I am very fortunate to have found and use this opportunity from the very beginning.

So Can You have Freedom With National Wealth Center Too?

You can have my same success in National Wealth Center if you just apply these 2 principles:

– Don’t Ever Give Up

– Be A Real Person

These are the major 2 reasons for my success and anyone on the planet can be as successful as they want to with this business if they just choose to work hard and put my training into action. There will always be excuse makers, lazy, unmotivated, something for nothing type of individuals but everyone of my members who decides to work their business is having success.

Are You Ready For Freedom? If so click the ‘Register Now’ Button below…

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James Matthews
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Massive Success For Any Networking Opportunity – Why Do Some People Have All the Success In Network Marketing While Others Struggle?

I get asked this question alot: “Hey James, How Do You Get All Those Signups In National Wealth Center?” When I get asked a certain question alot, I like to write a post to explain that particular question. It’s actually a really simple process, but most 95% of online marketers get this dead wrong, and I always wonder why most people don’t get this but oh well…..

national wealth center stress

Here is the ‘secret’ or ‘magic’ formula you’ve been missing all this time that will bring you massive success to National Wealth Center or whatever you are promoting online:

1. Be A Real Live Actual Person

2. Be Helpful and Provide Actual Useful Content (just like the post I’m creating right now)

3. Work Everyday and Do Something to Promote Your Business Every Single Day

Here is What To Do if You DON’T Want Network Marketing Success Online…

What I see most people doing online is this, and this is what you want to do if you want NO success and not make a dime or build a long term business for yourself:

1. Promote Money first (flashing cash – if your business is all about ‘money’, you are attracting people that only care about ‘money’, good luck with those types of people…

flashing cash national wealth center
We are all very impressed by the 20’s you cashed from your J.O.B you very successful internet marketer (I hope your catching my sarcasm)

2. Hiding behind a computer – money is not going to fall out of the sky into your bank account just because you signed up into a business. This is work like anything else in life. The more work you put into your business, the more success you will have. Plain and simple. Most do not understand work. Annihilate half the competition by working your ass off for your opportunity online. Get yourself out there and let people see you as a leader in your opportunity!

3. Not Help – Network Marketing is a Helping Profession. If you are not fully prepared to have something set in place for your referrals to give them the assistance they need, then do yourself a favor and do something else. If you are not going to return questions or help your referrals when they have problems, then go ahead and do something else.

Willing to Be Helped and Help Others is the #1 Rule in this game of Network/Internet Marketing, if you break this one fundamental rule you will struggle and continue to wonder why you are not making any progress…

So How Do I Have Network Marketing Success?

Understand the concepts above and get with the right person who can show you how to do the RIGHT THINGS. It’s really that simple. I teach everyone how to build a long term successful business and how to attract the right kind of people into your business. If that sounds like something you are interested in, then I would love to hear from you. You won’t find an easier program than National Wealth Center to build a large income for yourself, but only if you are trained the right way…

Click the ‘Register Now’ button below if you are ready for Network Marketing Success…
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James Matthews
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Why You Should Never Ever Give Up…Ever

national wealth center never give up

I wanted to take the time to write a post about something that is very dear to me, and that is Persistence and Never Ever Giving Up. No matter what.

We live in a society that for the most part “wants something for nothing”. Most everyone also ‘wants it fast’ without really realizing the amount of hard work that goes into building an online business…or any business for that matter. I deal with all types of individuals that ask me about National Wealth Center, and some of the questions I get asked most of all is:

“Is This Easy?”

“Is This Hard?”

“How Quickly Can I Make Money?”

These questions cannot be answered in a 1 word answer. Most everyone that asks this type of question is setting themselves up for failure way before they even start. Here is an Untold Truth about Network & Internet Marketing that no one else will probably ever tell you:

“If it was so easy to make a ton of money online, all your family and friends would be making a full-time income online….no one would be working at the jobs they hate each and everyday”

You will not hear that very often. Especially from those releasing new products that claim you can make “$12,742 in 21 days” etc. This is complete and utter nonsense for anyone who has no idea of how to market online. I am absolutely so sick of the ‘hype’ and ‘false claims’ out there. It really sickens me to my stomach, because I know people are actually falling for it.

The Importance of Not Giving Up…Ever

Anyone honest will tell you that any type of marketing, especially in the beginning is agonizing, frustrating, overwhelming, etc. What separates those of us that are successful is that we pushed through these obstacles. We learned and tested and we see what works vs. all of the failure and disappointment it took to get here. WE NEVER QUIT.

It took me quite awhile before I made a dime in National Wealth Center. But when I did, and I applied what works, my income skyrocketed and I still can’t believe how well I’m doing with it. It has honestly fulfilled the dream I had of ‘making money while I sleep’ over and over again to a point where I became fully free,not having to be anywhere at anytime.

That is priceless.

I hope the main message of this post really hits home. Giving Up or Quitting is never an option. I can still remember my grandfather, who was a veteran, teaching me these lessons when I was very small child. You never ever Give Up….Ever. No matter how bad it gets, how alone you are, how hopeless the situation is you never give up and you never quit. I love this picture and what it describes about this concept:

national wealth center never quit

Online & Network Marketing is full of people that quit. All programs are easy to get into and easy to get out of. Most will not stay in due to lack of focus, lack of making time, making excuses, coming up with insane reasons why it won’t work etc., but that’s ok…..because those of us that don’t quit just keep making all the money…and that’s the way it should be 😉

If you are the type of person that understands the importance of ‘Never giving up’ then click the ‘Register Now’ button below to start getting free with National Wealth Center…

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James Matthews
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How To Have Success in National Wealth Center…

national wealth center money

If I could sum up what it takes to be successful in National Wealth Center, or any opportunity for that matter, is it one very simple important concept:

Never Quit

When you first get started in an opportunity, you are red hot excited and ready to sign up 1,000 people and change your life forever. But what usually happens for 95% of people, and leads to the 95% failure rate, is that the first obstacle or bump in the road is felt, people give up right then and there…

Don’t believe me? How many people you know sit on the recliner and tell you how many things they should have done, could have done, if only something didn’t happen or for some reason they make up that validates their failure. I personally don’t believe in such a thing as failure, but I do believe a person can give up and quit, and I see people do this quite a bit in whatever goal or achievement they set.

I personally know people who have been in business for years, struggled the entire time, and finally figured out what finally works and are living the lifestyle they always wanted. What do you think they would tell you?

Never Quit.

It’s just that simple. If your not in the game to play it till the very end, then be sure you want to get started in the first place.

How Not To Have Success in National Wealth Center

Here is a guaranteed way to not have success in National Wealth Center, or any opportunity for that matter:

  • Give Up
  • Make Excuses
  • Blame someone else or something else
  • Constantly say to yourself “I just don’t have time”
  • Sit on the recliner watching TV or playing Xbox and wishing for things to happen

Those are sure fire ways to never get anywhere in this business. I know because I did for the first 6 months I was in National Wealth Center. I was not focused, discipline, and I was just ‘waiting’ for things to happen. The secret is that if your waiting for something or someone to make things happen for you, things will NEVER happen. You are responsible for your success and no one is responsible for you. The quicker you realize this the quicker you’ll start to make things happen.

The Real Secret To Success With National Wealth Center

Here is the real truth to success. Everyone’s minds will do whatever it takes to keep them complacent and lazy. Our mindsets are our greatest enemy. If you can conquer your mindset you can create whatever success you want. This is why 95% of marketers fail, they cannot overcome their mindset and they let their minds control their behavior. This is what makes it so much easier for yourself and I to be successful. If your willing to work and fight and control your mindset, the world is yours.

Wanna hear some good news? No one ever really quits National Wealth Center, I can’t even begin to count my signups and I’ve never once had anyone just give up and quit. Why? 25$ startup fee, 100% commissions, and super simple program to talk about. How does that compare to the opportunity you are in?

What I thought…

If you are ready to get started with the best home based business on the planet, then just click the ‘Register Now’ Button below…

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James Matthews
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National Wealth Center Success if a Complete Newbie Beginner?

national wealth center newbie

Over the past month we have seen a HUGE surge in Traffic and Buzz Generated around National Wealth Center. Thousands of new marketers are now turning to the internet to find a solution to their problems. Being a beginner myself at one point, I know how overwhelming it can be looking for the right program, with the right sponsor, with the right training.

If you’ve visited my exclusive team benefits page you would’ve discovered that we literally put business on hold for months to create one of the most extensive training courses for online marketing in existence today.

Why did I do this… because I KNOW how tough it was getting started in this industry and not having a clue what to do, where to go and who to partner up with.

It is of absolute importance to me that anyone who joined me with National Wealth Center could skip thru those first months of struggle and literally follow a road-map, a blueprint to get into profit as quickly and efficiently as possible.
On my National Wealth Center Team Benefits page you’ll find that I’ve created a training site that my team can pass on to their teammates to ensure that success duplicates easily and quickly for everyone involved. I keep this training updated and include weekly lessons to ensure that everyone has success.

But there’s a downfall…

national wealth center stress

It’s very important than anyone that is a ‘newbie’ getting started in an online business is going to be mostly overwhelmed by the amount of training I give to each of my members.  A great thing about the way I teach is that my training is easily explained and step by step video lesson tutorials.

I literally take you by the hand…

And show you every step as if this was the first day you ever touched a computer:

  • Here’s Day 1, Watch My Computer Screen, Do This, Here’s why.
  • Here’s Day 2, Watch My Computer Screen, Do This, Here’s why.
  • Here’s Day 3, Watch My Computer Screen, Do This, Here’s why.
  • And so on and so on.

And although many people have said that I have completely lost it for what I GIVE to my teammates for FREE, I feel that it is essential to create long-term business relationships in this industry. And to prove that, I literally give you the keys to access my personal training along with my support for the measly ridiculously low cost of only $25 when joining National Wealth Center… Not a penny more.

If I was given this chance when first joining this industry … the opportunity to own my own business at the lowest cost imaginable, with the potential to break even on my first referral, get into profit by my 3rd, and the chance to partner up with one of the industries leaders that provides a PROVEN action plan, walking you thru every process… well, it would’ve simply been a no-brainer.

But here’s the Facts…

“You Do Not Have Unlimited Opportunities In Your Lifetime… In Fact, You Have Far Less Than You’d Probably Care To Believe”.

The wealthiest entrepreneurs in the world are successful because they don’t think like everyone else.

They don’t believe they have “Forever” to accomplish their goals.

They take action TODAY, and seize all opportunity that presents itself TODAY.

The type of possibility this will open up for you is truly LIMITLESS. All you have to do is SEIZE the moment now…

Can Anyone Regardless of Age or Experience Have Success With National Wealth Center?

Absolutely.  Success is not determined by experience but by how bad you want it.  It’s just really that simple.

It’s all about how determined and focus you are in achieving your goals, not how ‘good’ you are.  The person who works the hardest and is consistent will always beat the ‘natural’ or ‘guru’ in any online opportunity because they just want it more.

Marketing  knowledge and experience are great don’t get me wrong but I’ve had members in their 60’s outperform and dominate marketers in their 20’s because they just knew how to communicate with other people and get to ‘work’.

National Wealth Center is such a great opportunity that anyone, regardless if they are 18 or 80 will see the value in the opportunity and the products and want to join.  It’s really just a matter of putting in the work of sharing the opportunity with others, there is really no ‘selling’ involved.

Can Experienced Network Internet Marketers Have Success With National Wealth Center?

Anyone who has any experience in either internet or network marketing will have HUGE success with National Wealth Center.  Those like myself who have sponsored 1,000’s of people into a business opportunity and sold tons of products online will find that this opportunity is a piece of cake.

The structure of the program along with the most amazing compensation plan will bring any internet marketer with any type of intelligence to do big things with the program.

In fact, when anyone really looks into National Wealth Center this will be the last business opportunity they will need to promote due to the simplicity and value behind the opportunity.

If you are looking to dominate National Wealth Center, then just simply click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

To YOUR Success,

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James Matthews
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How To Have Success With National Wealth Center

What’s Holding You Back In National Wealth Center?

national wealth center avoiding distractions


“What’s Holding You Back from Success?”

We all deal with distractions each and everyday. For most of us these are positives distractions such as our family, friends, and relationships.

But there are also several negative distractions that are constantly “calling our names” when we are attempting to meet our goals in the home based business industry National Wealth Center.

Most Common Distractions From Your National Wealth Center Business

I know that for several months my biggest distraction was playing Xbox, but I figure most of you have the huge distraction of the TV. It’s so much easier for us just to take our minds off things and get back on the recliner and enjoy the latest game or favorite TV show. What we don’t realize however is that this distraction is robbing us of getting one step closer to achieving our path to financial freedom with National Wealth Center.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a big time gamer and I always enjoy the latest game release, but I think about all the minutes, hours, and days I spent mindlessly playing and I really get angry with myself. If I had spent a portion of that time writing an article such as this one, creating content for my websites, applying marketing methods for my business, or studying about the latest marketing trend I would have achieved success much much faster and have been completely free.

“Old Habits Die Hard” is an expression I’ve heard a few times and I completely agree. It is only when we start to realize how crucial time management and priorities are is when we truly start seeing success with National Wealth Center, or any business for that matter.

More importantly, when we achieve success through our business then have all the time in the world to pick and choose what to do every day (including video games)!  This is a very important concept to realize!

I can’t stress how important it is in the beginning of building your National Wealth Center business how absolutely essential time management, focusing, and priorities are. If this is not organized, you WILL be exactly where you are 6 months from now (I’m speaking from personal experience here).

Step By Step Directions for Eliminating What’s Holding You Back in National Wealth Center

You’ll have to develop the mindset and discipline that adheres to this concept:

  • Every moment that I spend watching TV, Gaming, or another distraction is another moment keeping me from achieving my financial goals…
So “What’s Holding You Back?” If it’s the TV I encourage you to do this:
national wealth center distractions no tv
  • Keep the TV off for an entire week except when your favorite program is on.
  • ONLY turn the TV on when your favorite shows are on.
  • Immediately turn the TV back off when your favorite show is over.
If like me, you can’t put the Xbox controller down, do this:
national wealth center distractions no xbox
  • Limit your gaming to 1 full hour a day
  • Set goals for each session, for example reaching the next checkpoint or level
  • Set aside a specific time during the day to enjoy this 1 full hour

Over time you’ll realize just how mundane about 99% of TV programming and gaming is and how detrimental they are to what is really important:

Learning and researching on creating residual income with National Wealth Center!

Breaking bad habits is never easy, but like myself you’ll become more motivated and focused when you let go of those negative distractions.

I firmly believe that negative distractions are the reason that 95% of marketers fail. Focus is equally important but that will be the topic of another post!

If you are looking to completely dominate National Wealth Center then just click the ‘Register Now’ Button Below…

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James Matthews
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