National Wealth Center Business Archives

National Wealth Center Travel – Orlando & Destin Florida Trip!

Last week I posted on this site about the Amazing National Wealth Center My Travel Deals details, so I decided to be an action taker and actually take part in one of these travel deals!

So this post is going to be sharing a small glimpse into our spur of the moment trip we took in a montage video.  I also am learning a new video and picture editor so the final results is not near good enough as it should be until I really learn the software 😉

Here is our Florida vacation made possible by National Wealth Center:

While I did end up taking a considerable number of photos and videos, I really wanted to enjoy the time as much as possible and leave my phone off or at the resort, as I think too many people in society live their lives through their smartphones and social media, but that is the subject of another post altogether 😉

How Often Can National Wealth Center Members Use the My Travel Deals Travel Savings Deals?

National Wealth Center members can use any of the huge savings within ‘My Travel Deals’ at anytime they wish.  Whether it be the hotel savings, the huge discounts on cruises, or the incredible savings with the ‘off season steals’ where you can get weekly stays in high quality hotels and resorts for next to nothing…National Wealth Center members can take advantage of these amazing deals anytime they wish.

What’s great about being a successful internet marketer or within the network marketing industry, you have the time freedom to travel anytime you wish since you don’t have a dreadful job to report to each and everyday taking your time and effort making someone else rich.

I myself personally usually take at least 1 vacation a month, not a year like most everyone else does.  I’ve personally been to 8 countries internationally and have been to every state in the greatest country in the world the United States as well here at home.

My girlfriend had her spring break from classes so was the perfect opportunity to take part to a trip to Florida 😉

How Can You Take Once a Month Vacations Like I Do?

Well first of all you need to make your mind up to create a business and income for yourself with the National Wealth Center program.

Secondly you need to create a mindset where you are going to be successful at building your business and create for yourself a life of freedom and without limits.

Thirdly, and most importantly, you need to click the ‘Register Now’ button below and you will be receiving a Welcome Email from myself to get you into training and start accessing these amazing travel deals yourself…

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James Matthews
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National Wealth Center Travel – My Travel Deals

National Wealth Center Travel – My Travel Deals

An often overlooked aspect of the National Wealth Center Program is a great discount travel platform called ‘My Travel Deals’ which is located within the savings program of National Savings Center, which is an absolutely free savings platform for all National Wealth Center members.

I’ve made a very detailed video on just how awesome these deals are and how to take advantage in this video, make sure to watch here:

While there are many great deals within the National Wealth Center My Travel Deals, as you can see the ‘offseason steals’ offer HUGE savings and unbelievable week long travel getaways for next to nothing!

Why is the National Wealth Center My Travel Deals So Important?

The National Wealth Center My Travel Deals is important because it is another feature of the opportunity that gives more and more value to the member base.

What person doesn’t love unbelievable travel deals like $99 for an entire week stay at an amazing resort? 

Well this is just another reality of the National Wealth Center program with it’s discount travel feature.

Being a successful online network marketing and a leader within the National Wealth Center opportunity, one of the biggest perks of having time freedom with online success is being able to travel whenever I want, wherever I want. 

Being able to log in and book an amazing travel deal with My Travel Deals is makes the process much easier and quicker and then I’m off on a plane while continuing to receive passive income from the National Wealth Center program!

Travel has always been like therapy for me and I feel like if more people were able to travel more often, they would have much more fun and be able to experience what life really has to offer, I can say that travel really changed my life for the better.

So How Do You Get Access To the Amazing Travel Deals in National Wealth Center?

As stated in this post, access to the National Wealth Center My Travel Deals is a completely free service for all National Wealth Center members.  As shown in the video, you access the My Travel Deals through the back office of National Wealth Center through the National Savings Center platform available to all NWC members.

Another great feature about these amazing travel deals is that the feature allows you to market the opportunity in a whole new relatable way.  Any National Wealth Center member can just strike up a conversation about discount travel with anyone and anyone would be interested in getting HUGE discounts on travel packages!

So if you are wanting to get Great Deals on travel as well as build a completely passive residual income with all the time to travel as well, then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below and I will help you every step of the way…

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James Matthews
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National Wealth Center & Power Lead System – Huge Commissions!

national wealth center

power lead sytem national wealth center

I wanted to take the time to write a really detailed post about my marketing strategy and funnel with National Wealth Center, and how using the National Wealth Center opportunity with the Power Lead System marketing resource gains huge results and commissions over and over for myself, and for my downline within the opportunity.

I put together a very detailed video about this whole process so make sure to watch the entire video:

As you can see from the video, combining National Wealth Center with Power Lead System is a VERY profitable combination that allows you to make even thousands more in commissions each week.

This is a very unique strategy vs. all of the other marketing ‘systems’ out there that you have to PAY to take part in or does NOT make you any extra commissions outside of the National Wealth Center Program.

So How Exactly Does This National Wealth Center & Power Lead System Work?

In combining National Wealth Center and Power Lead System, the Power Lead System is a complementary marketing resource where you can easily build high converting sales funnels.

The beauty of this is that you can SHARE that high converting sales funnel with your downline in an opportunity.  In this case I have created a very high converting sales funnel that I can easily share with my downline as they pick up Power Lead System as well and then can just copy and paste the share code of the funnel to start using.

So to summarize National Wealth Center and Power Lead System the two programs work simply like this:

  1.  A High Converting Sales Funnel is created through Power Lead System (see the Ultimate NWC Sales Funnel details on this site)
  2. A share code for this sales funnel is created within Power Lead System
  3. Your referrals into National Wealth Center will want the Sales Funnel to use as well
  4. Your referrals pick up Power Lead System as well to gain access to the share code so they can use the funnel

Also the really great part is that this process then keeps duplicating and duplicating for all downlines involved and creates huge amounts of commissions for both the National Wealth Center program AND Power Lead System as you can see from the video above.

Building 2 incomes with 2 great programs that complement one another has NEVER been easier and I have created a very unique highly profitable system for the National Wealth Center program that helps everyone make more and more money!

So Why Is It Beneficial To Use My Strategy with National Wealth Center and Power Lead System Together Vs. Anything Else Out There?

In any online opportunity there are tons of marketers that come out with what they claim is the greatest ‘system’ for that opportunity.

But what you really have to ask yourself is this:

“Is This System Making Me More Money?”

What I’ve done by creating the Sales Funnel through Power Lead System is create a way for all of my downline, as well as brand new people, who have no clue how to market just ‘plug in’ and use the funnel for great results, and make a ton more commissions through using and sharing Power Lead System as well.

This makes people more and more money and that is what I am proud of, to make everyone more and more money and actually help people duplicate the same process.  Using National Wealth Center and Power Lead System has made this incredibly easy and I walk everyone through the process step by step on getting huge results right from the beginning!

So if you are reading this and looking for a great sales funnel to dominate the National Wealth Center program and how to make tons of extra commissions as well, then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…
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James Matthews
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National Wealth Center Ultimate Sales Funnel – Full Review!

I’ve been getting asked alot of questions regarding the New National Wealth Center Sales Funnel I’ve created, so I wanted to put together a full review of the Sales funnel and how it works and also more importantly how it will make you alot of income in more ways than one for the National Wealth Center program!

In this video I go through the entire process and explain how the sales funnel is really amazing:

In this post I will go through and explain each part of the sales funnel to fully detail how beneficial this is for anyone looking into a sales system that will absolutely sell the National Wealth Center program for you.

What Makes the National Wealth Center Ultimate Sales Funnel So Good?

As in the video, I will list the largest benefits of using the ‘Ultimate National Wealth Center Sales Funnel’ to build your National Wealth Center business:

  • Will completely Sell the National Wealth Center program for you
  • No selling on your part whatsoever; just leverage myself and my results for you to produce sales and build your downline
  • Allows you to build your OWN list and keep your OWN leads
  • The entire high converting sales funnel process from the capture page, sales page, and signup page is created for you
  • Sales funnel is customizable so you can edit and change the content on the sales page to anything you wish if needed
  • Incredibly easy to setup for your own National Wealth Center affiliate link
  • Completely done for you 21 part email campaign series created for you within the sales funnel
  • Builds a Secondary Income as your Referrals join to take part in the Sales Funnel as well
  • Allows you to further brand and personalize yourself as a leader in NWC (if you wish to do so)

When creating the ‘Ultimate Sales Funnel’ I wanted to put together something that would solve all the usual problems when someone who joins a business opportunity would face, such as:

  • Not having a good system set in place when joining to get sales (just use the funnel)
  • Not knowing how to build a website or have time to do so (just plug into the funnel)
  • Not having any success of your own yet to show results to entice prospects (just use the funnel)
  • Not having any online sales experience or any sales knowledge to produce results (just use the funnel)
  • Not having a single clue about internet marketing (just use the funnel)

I’ve noticed as having great success with the National Wealth Center opportunity, these are the biggest problems people face when signing up into a business opportunity and the sales funnel I created solves all of these issues for anyone looking to get their National Wealth Center business off to a roaring start.

So Who is the National Wealth Center Sales Funnel For and Who Can Use the Funnel?

I get asked this question most of all so wanted to clarify who the sales funnel is created for and how to get access to and use the funnel.

The Ultimate Sales Funnel for National Wealth Center is created for my personally referred members into the National Wealth Center opportunity, and also for their referrals as well.

I have a ton of people who are sponsored by other sponsors within the National Wealth Center and ask if they can have access to and use the funnel as well.

Members in the National Wealth Center opportunity who are not sponsored by myself directly can gain access to the sales funnel by joining the marketing platform I used to create the sales funnel.  This enters us into a mutual business relationship with the marketing platform compensation plan as well and also allows me to help anyone within the National Wealth Center program not sponsored directly by myself personally.

Please contact me below to get more details on gaining access to the sales funnel if not directly sponsored through myself.

And if you are reading this post and are looking into the National Wealth Center, then I don’t know what in the heck you are waiting for!  Click the ‘Register Now’ button to get started now…
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James Matthews
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Why People Make No Money in National Wealth Center

Why People Don’t Make Any Money in National Wealth Center

Ever wondered why people sign up into a business opportunity like National Wealth Center and make absolutely NO money and are complete failures?

Well in this post I am going to describe the exact reasons why this happens so you will know once and for all why this happens and more importantly how to NOT be a failure in your business opportunity.

Here is a video I did on the very subject, watch this and pay close attention to what I am saying:

As explained in the video I give the real reasons as to what makes someone a success in an online opportunity like National Wealth Center or any online business.

So What Really Makes Someone Alot of Money in National Wealth Center Vs. Making No Money?

In referring well over 2,000 people into National Wealth Center currently, I can confidently say that there are certain traits that make someone successful in the program vs. those that do nothing and then complain of no success.

The people I’ve referred into the program and have gone on to become great leaders are the type of people that:

  • Take action on the training I teach
  • Brand themselves with the opportunity
  • Go to work
  • Don’t complain
  • Have great positive mindsets
  • Fully understand the business and take the time to understand how the business works
  • Want long term success vs. short term success

Contrary to that, the people who become massive failures are people that:

  • Take no action and continually watch the training but never take action
  • Do not brand themselves and give no one a reason to join them
  • Do no work
  • Constantly complain and ask questions when everything is fully explained in great detail step by step
  • Have poor and broke mindsets
  • Do not even take the time to understand how the business works
  • Want to make short term money and then jump into another opportunity

While these are characteristics that separate the ‘haves’ from the ‘have nots’ in any venture in life, it bears repeating and is the honest truth when it comes to doing great things in life and getting yourself free with a business opportunity.

How To Make Sure You Are Not A Failure In National Wealth Center…

If you want to ensure you are NOT a massive failure in National Wealth Center, you need a mentor and someone that can train you on how to become a very successful marketer.

There are tons of marketers online that will lie to you all day long and tell you that you will make $10,000 monthly just by joining their ‘system’ or ‘rotator’ but as you know by now that is complete lie, hype, and garbage and this ‘hype’ is the only way they get any type of success and are soon jumping into another opportunity within a month or so.

True success in this industry is being learning and applying very successful marketing strategies that work for the long term, I can show you all that and then some in my private training site and you can get started by clicking the ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
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National Wealth Center 2016

National Wealth Center 2016 – What’s Coming Up For the Opportunity in 2016!

national wealth center 2016

2015 has just ended and we are now starting the year of 2016.  National Wealth Center members have alot to look forward to in the year of 2016 so make sure you bookmark or check back to this site frequently.

Whenever a year ends and a new one starts, it’s a time of reflection on the past year and looking forward to the new year and what achievements and goals can be met coming up.

In this post I’ll be giving a ‘teaser’ as to what’s coming up for the National Wealth Center opportunity and what recently has been added to the online business.

What’s New For National Wealth Center 2016?

As far as announcements for what’s coming up for National Wealth Center in 2016, the admin has been keeping things on the down low but will be making more announcements the first part of 2016 and those will be reported on as post within this website.

New features that have just happened for National Wealth Center for the last part of 2015 are as follows:

  • New Vehicle Savings Advantage – discount service for National Wealth Center members to save tons of money on vehicle purchases
  • Travel Membership Discounts – huge discounts for travel packages for National Wealth Center members as part of the National Savings Center feature
  • National Wealth Center prime – all in one marketing system and tools for members to market the opportunity

These are few great really new features added as we closed out 2015 to make the National Wealth Center opportunity better and better and continually improve.

What You Need to Know About National Wealth Center 2016

If you’ve been living under a rock then you need to know that National Wealth Center is one of the most stable, long-term, sustainable, legal product centered online opportunity on the planet with a proven track record.

The National Wealth Center program grew by huge amounts in 2015 and will grow larger and larger in 2016 as everybody will be looking into the a credible opportunity vs. all the fly by night programs out there that disappear overnight.

If you want to get involved with a program that cares about its members and continually improves to better the lives of its members, then click the ‘Register Now’ button below…
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James Matthews
national wealth center join now


Happy New Year From National Wealth Center 2016!

Happy New Year From National Wealth Center 2016!

national wealth center happy new year 2016

It is now the week of the New Year and wow how time flies as it is yet another year!  As we all start to celebrate the new year I would like to wish everybody out there a Very Happy New Year from all of us in the National Wealth Center opportunity.

What’s funny about when the new year rolls around and after the Happy New Year Celebrations is the New Year’s Resolutions that everyone comes up with for the new year and almost no one sticks to or they are completely forgotten about by the first month.

I wanted to take the time to write a post about the psychology of celebrating the New Year and what goes in behind really setting and achieving new goals for this upcoming 2016 year.

What’s So Special About The New Year?

What’s so special about the new year as far as National Wealth Center members is that we all know we are going to have another really great year income and time freedom wise due to the sustainability of the National Wealth Center program.

In the world of online marketing it’s very important to realize that definitely not all online business opportunities are created equal.  Some online opportunities and unfortunately most of the time are ‘fly by night’ programs where incomes are lost literally overnight and founders of programs disappear with no explanation whatsoever.

This is definitely not the case with the National Wealth Center opportunity as we have been the most stable, lucrative, and product based online opportunity the world has seen for almost 8 years now (formerly Infinity Downline) with the world’s best 100% commission compensation plan.

This is very exciting for all of us as National Wealth Center members as we move into the year of 2016, as we know the National Wealth Center program will be growing and becoming even better and better while other programs wither and fade away.

It’s great to be in a long term sustainable program like National Wealth Center vs. all the other short lived online programs.

So What’s Your 2016 New Year’s Resolution?

If your usual New Year’s Resolution as so many are is to ‘make more money’ in the new year of 2016, I would encourage you to really think about how you are going to ‘make more money’ in this new year.

Most people will try to work more hours at their current job or try to get a second job to ‘make more money’ and sadly never realize the leverage behind getting involved with a great residual income program like National Wealth Center to build more income or even better get yourself FREE from that job and time limits you are putting on yourself everyday going to that job.

If you are reading this post and really, and I do mean really want to make a change for the better in 2o16 for greater time freedom, great income, and overall better quality of life while empowering others to ‘break free’ as well then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…
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James Matthews
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National Wealth Center Prime – What Is It?

National Wealth Center Prime – What Is It and What’s Coming…

national wealth center news - national wealth prime

Alot of buzz is going on about the new National Wealth Center Prime and I wanted to take the time to write a short post about what this is exactly and what is coming for the National Wealth Center opportunity…

As of the time of writing this post, National Wealth Center is launching only for members of National Wealth Center in beta mode to test for the official launch on January 1st.

A full review of National Wealth Center Prime will be coming later as I can fully delve into all the feature of the Prime resource.

So Just What Is National Wealth Center Prime?

As stated from the company within a company sent email to National Wealth Center members, National Wealth Center Prime is:

“NWC Prime launching Jan 1st. The beta is launching this month. All members will be able to put it through the ringer FREE until then. It’s an OPTIONAL all-in-one toolbox…”

1. lead capture pages
2. capture page wizard > make your own lead capture pages
3. blog page creator
4. contact manager
5. text blaster to contacts
6. phone blaster to contacts
7. email blaster to contacts
8. light box capture page
9. form creator
10. full statistics
11. postal broadcast
12. webinars
13. postal auto-responder
14. live chat
15. 3rd party auto-responder
16. text auto-responder
17. voice auto-responder
18. email auto-responder

More details are to be announced, but as you can see from this list there are a huge amount of features that will be available to National Wealth Center members to really further their marketing efforts.

What Will Be the Cost of the National Wealth Center Prime and Is It Worth It?

It was stated by the National Wealth Center company admin that the prime marketing toolbox will be an optional $30 monthly, with a ‘refer 3 get yours free’ system set in place as well.

I personally think this is a very small price to pay for the amount of features you receive with using this toolbox, and especially with the ability to make your very own lead capture pages this makes the value literally priceless.

Those of us who really make great incomes with National Wealth Center or any online business fully understand how beneficial and essential these types of tools are to really dominate your marketing and I think this will be yet another huge added value for National Wealth Center members.

If you are reading this post and still not in the National Wealth Center program, then what in the world is wrong with you?  🙂

Just click on the ‘Register Now’ button below and get started…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

How To Build A Huge Downline in National Wealth Center

How To Build A Huge Downline in National Wealth Center

national wealth center downline

Alot of people looking into National Wealth Center always ask me on how I’ve put in over 1,000 people into my downline within the opportunity or how I average at least 1 signup a day into the business.

I thought it would be a good idea to write a post about this subject and as always give everyone the honest truth about what it take to do huge things with any online opportunity.

There is mass confusion about what real success online is all about, and as always I will give everyone the honest truth about what you NEED to hear, NOT what you WANT to hear.

So How Do You Build a Huge Downline in National Wealth Center?

First of all the biggest reason I’ve put so many people into the National Wealth Center program and made so much money is because of this one principle that almost no one else has in this industry:


Consistency is one trait that will always destroy and outlast you competition.

In an industry where everyone jumps onto the next shiny object out there, consistency will make you a fortune in your earnings for any online program.  The tried and true principles of sticking with what you started will always work better than any high tech software or landing pages any day.

The second reason I’ve done so well in National Wealth Center is because of another principle that almost no one else in the industry has:


Focus, in an online business or any business, is the biggest fundamental reason for success.

Just basic focus and concentrating on your business vs. turning the tv on and putting your time into nonessential tasks that suck your life and time away is the biggest difference between making zero dollars in your National Wealth Center business or making over $10,000 monthly in your National Wealth Center business.

Another big reason I would like to point out in this post in referring over 1,000 people into the National Wealth Center program, I will be the first to admit that some people just ‘get it’ or ‘don’t get it’ in terms of understanding or wanting to build a business or income for themselves vs. working their lives away for someone else at a job.

In fact the biggest reason I’ve found as to why people fail in National Wealth Center is because they just have no idea of basic business principles or work ethic whatsoever.

So How Do You Build A Huge Downline in National Wealth Center?

If you can follow the qualities I’ve listed in this post and understand that you have to treat your business like a business, then building a huge downline in any online opportunity is really a piece of cake.

It doesn’t always happen overnight, but good consistent work and action always leads to big huge results in any goal in life.

I really hate to burst anyone’s bubble in terms of online network marketing, as most people think the reason they get no results in their business is because they just don’t have the right software, capture pages, system, sales funnel, tools, resources, training, etc., etc., etc.

But the truth of big success is focus, consistency, and treating your business like a business and taking it seriously and continually improving and getting better at your marketing of the National Wealth Center program.

And if you are reading this post and want step by step training on how to build a huge downline and income just like I have, then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

Happy Thanksgiving from National Wealth Center 2015

Happy Thanksgiving from National Wealth Center 2015

happy thanksgiving national wealth center 2015

Taking the time to write yet another Thanksgiving post as it is yet again Thanksgiving for the year of 2015.

From all of us within the National Wealth Center opportunity, I wanted to wish everyone out there a very happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Thanksgiving has always been a time of reflection from what I’ve accomplished over the entire year and also more importantly a chance to spend time with family.

Success, whether in an online opportunity like National Wealth Center or any online business is absolutely nothing if you cannot share your successes with family.

What am I Thankful for this Thanksgiving 2015?

Personally what I’m thankful for this year as my National Wealth Center business had huge success again and I’m now able to completely have most of my business on autopilot as my 1,000+ members are having great success as well.

The compensation plan within National Wealth Center creates large incomes quickly and that allows those of us who have taken big action to flat out retire in a matter of a few years vs. the 50 year retirement plan with a job.

I am thankful for no alarm clock, the ability to do what I want when I want, being able to travel whenever I want, and all around living a lifestyle of freedom due to National Wealth Center and online marketing.

What are All National Wealth Center Members Thankful for?

I believe that all National Wealth Center members are thankful that they are in an opportunity that is going to be here for the long term, has great support, is a legally compliant product based program, and is continually making itself better and better.

In the crazy world of online marketing business opportunities, National Wealth Center has and always will stand the test of time as being a credible legitimate opportunity when countless others are gone or shutdown.

If you are reading this and want to be part of a legitimate online program that has been and alway will be around and you can count on a long term reliable income, then go ahead anc click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
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