How To VACATION All the Time!

How To VACATION All the Time!

how to vacation all the time

Alot of people ask me how I vacation so much and am constantly taking trips etc…

This summer especially I took close to 8 different trips…to all different areas…I didn’t have to ask ANYONE for time off…or work around anyone’s schedule etc. etc. etc.

So I thought it would be a great idea to write in a post about how I do this personally through my National Wealth Center business and how taking vacations whenever you want is such a real possibility in this day and age through online marketing.

It’s interesting to know that most people who work conventional jobs only have 1-2 weeks chance a year to take a vacation…and usually they are so tired from working 60-80 hours a week it’s not really a vacation at all 🙁

So How Can You Vacation Anytime You Want?

The reality of having a successful business like National Wealth Center, which you primarily do online (or you can do offline as well) is that if you have an online business and have residual income coming in instead of a job….then you have the time freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want….that’s the truth

Most people are brainwashed from the time they start school that they have to have a 9 to 5 job…and that they have to work their entire lives away for their income at that job.

Online marketing and residual passive income like with National Wealth Center, gives you the ability to not be tied down to a job and to be able to have an income coming in no matter what you are doing….and let me tell you that is a nice feeling to have when so many are working their entire lives away…

Don’t get me wrong, if you are supporting yourself and your family with a job and making ends meet…you are a hero…but what I want to do in this post is open your mind to a better way of doing things…just like when it happened for me when I discovered online affiliate marketing!

Are You Ready to Take a Vacation Whenever You Want?

If you are ready to live life on YOUR terms, do what you want when YOU want instead of waiting for any time off…then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below….it all starts here just like it did for me when I finally decided to do things better and live life on my own terms!

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

National Wealth Center Travel – Orlando & Destin Florida Trip!

Last week I posted on this site about the Amazing National Wealth Center My Travel Deals details, so I decided to be an action taker and actually take part in one of these travel deals!

So this post is going to be sharing a small glimpse into our spur of the moment trip we took in a montage video.  I also am learning a new video and picture editor so the final results is not near good enough as it should be until I really learn the software 😉

Here is our Florida vacation made possible by National Wealth Center:

While I did end up taking a considerable number of photos and videos, I really wanted to enjoy the time as much as possible and leave my phone off or at the resort, as I think too many people in society live their lives through their smartphones and social media, but that is the subject of another post altogether 😉

How Often Can National Wealth Center Members Use the My Travel Deals Travel Savings Deals?

National Wealth Center members can use any of the huge savings within ‘My Travel Deals’ at anytime they wish.  Whether it be the hotel savings, the huge discounts on cruises, or the incredible savings with the ‘off season steals’ where you can get weekly stays in high quality hotels and resorts for next to nothing…National Wealth Center members can take advantage of these amazing deals anytime they wish.

What’s great about being a successful internet marketer or within the network marketing industry, you have the time freedom to travel anytime you wish since you don’t have a dreadful job to report to each and everyday taking your time and effort making someone else rich.

I myself personally usually take at least 1 vacation a month, not a year like most everyone else does.  I’ve personally been to 8 countries internationally and have been to every state in the greatest country in the world the United States as well here at home.

My girlfriend had her spring break from classes so was the perfect opportunity to take part to a trip to Florida 😉

How Can You Take Once a Month Vacations Like I Do?

Well first of all you need to make your mind up to create a business and income for yourself with the National Wealth Center program.

Secondly you need to create a mindset where you are going to be successful at building your business and create for yourself a life of freedom and without limits.

Thirdly, and most importantly, you need to click the ‘Register Now’ button below and you will be receiving a Welcome Email from myself to get you into training and start accessing these amazing travel deals yourself…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

Can You Get Free With National Wealth Center?

Can You Get Freedom With National Wealth Center?

national wealth center freedom

Braveheart is one of my favorite movies, and when I think about being ‘FREE’ in terms of ‘Freedom’ I think of:

– Not having a Job

– Having ALOT of Income

– Not being Told What To Do

– Not having to Work With Miserable Co-Workers

– Being Able To Travel When You Want

– Do Whatever You Want, Whenever You Want (Most Important)

Most everyone wants ‘Financial Freedom’ whether it’s in any kind of business, but I always get asked if this is possible with an online business such as National Wealth Center. This is all dependent on the person and how hard they are willing to work in whatever business they are in, but I will say that achieving financial freedom with National Wealth Center would be much much easier than any other business out there.

Why is Freedom Easier With National Wealth Center?

There are many reasons why an Online Business is much easier than any type of business, but I’ll list the biggest benefits:

– Work When You Want

– Work From Anywhere

– Complete Residual (Passive) Income

– No Building To Open at 6:00 Am (Yikes!)

– Set Your Own Time

These are just a few of the big reasons why an online business is much better than any business. I know alot of business owners that have car dealerships, restaurants, or any type of brick & mortar business and their business completely owns their life. They cannot do anything, go anywhere due to their business having to be opened, have employees, inventory, etc. and all that headache. I’ve seen enough traditional business owners have nervous breakdowns to decide that I NEVER want to do that!

With an online business, your store is open 24/7 through the internet and you are continually gaining new and new referrals on autopilot, without you ever really doing any direct work. For me and my traveling lifestyle, National Wealth Center was an absolutely no-brainer. There is no other opportunity out there that allows anyone to get started with $25 and turn that into absolute wealth and time freedom. I am very fortunate to have found and use this opportunity from the very beginning.

So Can You have Freedom With National Wealth Center Too?

You can have my same success in National Wealth Center if you just apply these 2 principles:

– Don’t Ever Give Up

– Be A Real Person

These are the major 2 reasons for my success and anyone on the planet can be as successful as they want to with this business if they just choose to work hard and put my training into action. There will always be excuse makers, lazy, unmotivated, something for nothing type of individuals but everyone of my members who decides to work their business is having success.

Are You Ready For Freedom? If so click the ‘Register Now’ Button below…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now