New National Wealth Center Processor Is Now Live!

Just recently on the company webinar on December 8th, Peter Wolfing showcased the new payment processor for the National Wealth Center Opportunity.   The payment processor is now live and ready for members to use so the company can process payments for each member who choose to use the new ‘in-house’ processor.

The new payment processor is located within the ‘profile’ section for National Wealth Center members to access. You can see this option now under the ‘payment information’ heading within that area, as seen in this screenshot:

national wealth center new payment processor
As you can see from the screenshot, National Wealth Center will now process payments for each member.  This new addition was set in place for the need to help members who cannot get their own merchant account from several payment processor options located within the back office.

In the beginning, payments collected using this method will be paid out twice a month to members, but Peter Wolfing stated that these payouts will be much quicker as time goes on and the processor is set in place.

Important Things To Know About the New National Wealth Center Payment Processor

There are several points to understand about the new payment processor located within the National Wealth Center back office:

  • Members can only choose their own payment processors OR use the NWC payment processor; you cannot do both
  • There is a 20% convenience fee since the company has to process and distribute the payments to each member
  • The payouts, while starting out at twice a month, will be much sooner as time goes on and more features implemented

While there may be some discontent over the 20% convenience fee, it’s important to understand that National Wealth Center will be handling the entire payment process and most anyone that has common sense would understand that this costs money to handle the tremendous amount of payouts to be distributed.  This is not cheap and is a huge favor to only incur a 20% fee for this service to members.

It’s important to understand that the industry average for online business opportunities is 45%, so 80% using the NWC processor is still miles ahead of any opportunity out there!

If you are ready to start getting paid huge monthly commissions by an opportunity that puts its members first, then just click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
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