National Wealth Center Products Archives

Not Making Sales With National Wealth Center?

Not Making Sales With National Wealth Center?

no sales national wealth center

To help everyone within the National Wealth Center opportunity or with ANY online affiliate marketing opportunity…I’ve decided to write a post about why someone makes ‘No Sales Within Their Program’ or gets Zero Results…

What you have to understand is that making sales in National Wealth Center or any online opportunity is just a matter of doing the right things vs. the wrong’s just that easy.

This post will help you realize what you are doing wrong and how to correct to start making lots of sales as quickly as possible in whatever opportunity you may be promoting.

Here is Why You Are Not Making Any Sales With National Wealth Center or Any Affiliate Marketing Opportunity…

In sponsoring over 2,000 people at this point with National Wealth Center and seeing how much money I generate…it’s safe to say I know a thing or two about making sales and sponsoring tons of people so listen up 😉

So here are the top reasons why you are NOT making sales with National Wealth Center or whatever you are promoting:

  1. No Action – all results in business, in life, or anything all depends on one’s ability to take action…seems like common sense but you would be surprised how some people join an opportunity and then do nothing…get distracted or procrastinate and then take no action or take basic steps to build their business.
  2. Not Making a Connection – all sales…whether online or offline….are all about making a connection with another person.  If you are not making sales through your sales funnel, system, or by simply just talking to another individual it’s because you are not making a connection and building relationship with that prospect.  Start adding value and making connection with your content and watch your sales soar.
  3. Lack of Consistency – believing that your sales are going to be ‘made on autopilot’ 24/7 is just a type of hype and scam taking people’s money…now if you have a good sales funnel and taking action to get traffic…this does happen and can happen alot as you get better as a marketer…but if you are thinking you are just going to sit back in the recliner and not work to build your business then you are very greatly mistaken…you have to consistently improve and learn marketing and work (especially if a beginner) and once you get better and master how affiliate marketing works…then you can completely retire!

Now there is more I could mention…but these 3 points really shed a light on the bigger picture of why most everyone who fails at affiliate marketing…so if you are doing these 3 points then you are not having great success in your opportunity.

I really go in depth into all these within my private training site for members ( for my National Wealth Center members.

Ready To Start Making Tons of Sales with National Wealth Center?

If you are ready to shortcut the learning curve and really understand what works in a huge way and make tons of sales (I even give you my sales funnel) then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

I will be teaching you step by step on how to really make tons of sales vs all the hype and garbage thats out there keeping people failing…

To YOUR Success,

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

How Do You Make Sales in National Wealth Center?

How Do You Make Sales in National Wealth Center?

national wealth center sales how to make sales

A question I get asked from alot of people seeing my success with National Wealth Center is this:

“Hey James, how do you make so many sales in National Wealth Center…?”

From the outside looking in it seems like I make making sales in this opportunity so easy…and this post is going to be about the real truth in making lots of sales with National Wealth Center…or any online opportunity for that matter

So if you are not making tons of sales in your online affiliate marketing opportunity, then pay close attention to this post for how to do so!

Here are the Steps on How To Make Sales in National Wealth Center or Any Online Business Opportunity

Here are the exact steps on how to make tons of sales in National Wealth Center:

  1. Sign up with the Right Sponsor…sign up with someone who can train you and give you the resources and tools to train you into becoming a great marketer….this is crucial
  2. Plugin & use those resources and tools, especially sales funnels (check out the ones on this site I have for members for to plug in and run with) to get your business off to a huge start
  3. Use this sales funnel in advertising, whether free or paid (this is taught in depth within my training for members) and have as many leads as possible coming into your funnel, certain percentage will convert and duplicate and replicate these same results as they go through member training

Is it just that simple in those 3 easy steps….?

Well yes and no…..and here is the real honest answer with online affiliate marketing industry…

It is that simple if you don’t question and just follow the simple steps and understand the process of generating leads and don’t ‘think too much’

In fact ‘thinking too much’ is what will kill you in any pursuit in life….you have to take big action in anything if you want the results….and that’s the honest truth to this affiliate marketing industry.

Ready To Make Lots of Sales in National Wealth Center?

If you are reading this and ready to make lots of sales in the National Wealth Center opportunity, then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

My training will hold you by the hand and take you step by step on how to dominate and make as many sales as I do in a day!

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James Matthews
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National Wealth Center is on FIRE – Summer 2017!

National Wealth Center is on FIRE – Summer 2017!

First up, watch this video to see my proof positive evidence of how National Wealth Center is on Fire for Summer of 2017:

As you can see from the video, National Wealth Center is as popular now as it was when the program first started…that is a very rare thing in the online marketing world for sure….and I’ll tell you why you need to pay special attention to this post!

A program like National Wealth Center that is as popular now as it first started is a program you need to be involved with….think about how many programs pop up and disappear every time you turn around in this industry?

I can’t tell you how many ‘online fads’ with programs stating rev shares, greatest new thing, revolutionary program, etc etc etc that have come and disappeared and National Wealth Center is stronger than ever!

Choosing the right kind of opportunity online to get involved with is EVERYTHING…and after this post you’ll know exactly why.

Why Is National Wealth Center Stronger and More Popular than Ever in 2017?

There are many reasons you can read on this site as to why National Wealth Center is stronger than ever but I’ll summarize you several reasons right here:

  • Ethical completely legal opportunity…NWC is a product driven opportunity with long standing products that give every member tremendous value…this is what you want in a LONG TERM program
  • Industry’s #1 Compensation Plan…the Reverse 2 up is the quickest way to start making serious income online…and that’s why this opportunity is and will always be at the top
  • CEO and staff behind the company – one of the greatest traits of any opportunity that lasts long term is who is behind the opportunity…you won’t find better people at the helm or affiliates of NWC….Peter Wolfing cares about his members and more importantly listens to members to improve and improve the program….this is a very rare quality indeed in the online marketing world

These are a few reasons why National Wealth Center is still so popular but read all over this site and you’ll get the idea…

Will National Wealth Center Continue To Be Popular and Strong in the Future from 2017?

Absolutely.  In fact Peter Wolfing personally stated to me that National Wealth Center is NEVER going anywhere….how does that compare to other programs that disappear overnight and take all the affiliates hard work and income overnight or in a few months?

Picking the right opportunity for long term success instead of ‘fly by night’ small income is the most important thing you’ll ever do in this affiliate marketing industry…

If you are ready for long term success vs. having your hard work disappear in a few months…then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
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The Truth About the National Wealth Center Company…

national wealth center company

Recently I had an incident involving the National Wealth Center company and I think it would be a great idea to take the time to write a post about what had happened…to show the real truth about what kind of company National Wealth Center really is…

Just this last week I had an incident with the post office and some of my mail was damaged…even worse one of the letters that was damaged in this incident was a check from the National Wealth Center company…how the company handled this is what I want everyone out there to know about this company and the people behind this company.

So What Exactly Happened with the National Wealth Center Company?

Like I said, part of my mail was damaged and I do use the National Wealth Center company processor (I use an online processor payment for most all transactions, but some members need to use a credit card for their memberships) for a certain amount of transactions and the company sends me a check for these commission payments…

The post office actually damaged the check so badly that half of the envelope the check was in and the check itself was torn in half.

I contacted the bank that issues the check and they stated that the company itself (NWC) would need to be contacted for myself to be re-issued another check.

Now here is what I really want everyone to know about National Wealth Center:

I contacted NWC support through email and explained the situation…not really expecting a detailed response and I was actually worried that I may have alot of difficulty trying to get this check re-issued.

Here is what happened…not only did the company support IMMEDIATELY respond to the situation and expedite the situation to make sure I got another check RIGHT AWAY, but the company CEO (Peter Wolfing) got involved in the situation as well to MAKE SURE I IMMEDIATELY GOT ANOTHER CHECK RIGHT AWAY….

Now folks…I don’t know what kind of online affiliate marketing companies you may or may not be involved with….but this company just blew me away with their support and most importantly their CARE  of the situation!

This company takes care of their members and supports their members every way possible to make sure they are paid…that’s my kind of company!

So Why Does National Wealth Center Care Unlike Most Other Online Companies?

Plain and simple…great CEO and staff behind the company…you won’t find a better CEO than Peter Wolfing who works as hard as possible supporting members of his programs.  You will not find better integrity than what Peter Wolfing has built with National Wealth Center and a more reputable long lasting online company…

Ready to join an actual company with REAL people behind the company that cares?  You bet you are…just go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below and you’ll be getting access to my Exclusive Training as soon as possible…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

How To Have Huge Success Online in 2017!

How To Have Huge Success Online in 2017!

national wealth center success 2017

Alot of people ask me all the time how to have big success like I have with the National Wealth Center opportunity, so I wanted to write a post about the reality of success with a home based business vs. all the hype and garbage that you usually hear in this industry…

What I’m going to do is tell everyone in this post EXACTLY what I do day to day to build such a giant business online, if you are struggling in your opportunity or within any type of marketing online, listen up and pay attention because what I say in this post is the absolute TRUTH.

Ready to hear the Truth?  I thought so, here we go…

What I Do Day to Day for Big Success Online in National Wealth Center (This Applies to Any Opportunity/Product Online)

Here is the actual exact truth about what I do on a daily basis to have built a giant business online with National Wealth Center, but this applies to anything you would want to promote online whether an opportunity or a product…but first let me go through what NOT going to give you Huge Success in 2017:

  • Procrastination – saying that you are going to do something to build your business…but never do it or keep putting it off
  • Searching for the ‘secret’ – there is NO SECRET to making sales, building a downline, or having big success for an online business…you will keep searching for this for the rest of your life…STOP looking for the ‘secret’ and start putting in the WORK
  • ‘Systems’ – there are literally countless ‘systems’, ‘rotators’, etc. etc. etc. that promise you the world and ‘guarantee’ thousands of dollars but never deliver hardly any…because they are based on the false promise of putting in the work for you without you doing anything…STOP getting suckered by these things, they never work and they never will give you a full-time income
  • Giving UP – Giving up on yourself, giving up on your opportunity or product when you hit the first stumbling block or obstacle…jumping from opportunity to opportunity without putting in work and effort and learning…this will NEVER give you an ounce of success!

Now that we have that out of the way, here is exactly what I do on a day to day basis for major Success:

  • Write down 4-5 things each day You Need to do to build your Business – I have a huge office calendar and I write down 4-5 things each day that I need to do to build my business…this can be anything from building and testing capture page, creating a video, running paid traffic to a funnel, etc. but these 4-5 goals GET DONE NO MATTER WHAT!   I bet I am one of the few people online that do this, but my results speak for themselves
  • WORK:  Understand first of all that no one owes you ANYTHING, if you want big success with any online opportunity….this is no different from any other business out there…those who work the hardest and put in effort and learn how to work their business effectively make the most money…ALWAYS
  • TRAFFIC & LEAD GENERATION:  If there is 1 piece of advice I could give in this industry then it is this…learn and MASTER driving your OWN Traffic (not ever relying on any system/rotator/etc. to do this for you) and get Better and Better at this process.  Traffic & Leads are the absolute ‘lifeblood’ for your business and once you master this you are in the top 1% of income earners online!
  • MAKE A CONNECTION WITH YOUR PROSPECTS – This is basic business and sales fundamentals but if you are not making a connection with your prospect about your business, whether marketing online or offline, then you are dead in the water.  You have to inspire and connect with your prospect about ‘why’ they need to be involved in your business and what you have to offer…Master this and you are the top 5% of income earners online!

Those are the basis of what I do and how I’ve been able to retire in a short amount of time with my online opportunity…make notes of these and apply them for Huge Success Now…

Ready for Huge Success in 2017?

So if you are reading this and tired of failing and want real results in 2017 with real training I’m going to show you every step of the way, then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

Merry Christmas 2016!

Merry Christmas 2016!

national wealth center merry christmas 2016 2017

This year has flown by so incredibly fast and it’s yet another time to reflect and write a ‘Merry Christmas’ post from this site on the National Wealth Center opportunity.

In this post I’ll talk about what Christmas is all about for me each year as I reflect and a little about what I’ve learned this year in the industry of online network marketing.

But mainly wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas this year as I’m about to take a needed 2 week break to enjoy the Holiday season…

What is Christmas like for National Wealth Center Members?

If you have a successful online business like National Wealth Center, the Christmas holidays are especially exciting because you get to spend as much time as you want spending time with family, shopping, and really getting ready and enjoying the entire holiday season.

I remember before I got involved in the online industry and had a job, the Christmas holidays were not enjoyable as I hardly ever got a day off to enjoy the holiday!  I especially remember welding in a factory and we got off only half the day for Christmas…only half the day!

And that’s what’s really great about having all the time freedom in the world with National Wealth Center, this business makes money for you so you don’t have to spend countless hours and time at a job slaving away to be able to give your family a great Christmas and also be able to spend as much time with them as you want!

Ready to be Able to Spend As Much Time As You Want with Your Family for Christmas?

If you are reading this and finally want to have success with an online business and learn how to leverage the internet to make you a great income, instead of waking up to an alarm clock and slaving away for someone at a job that will never appreciate you…then make sure you read this site as carefully as possible to learn how to change your life right here and now.

Take action and start learning how to do things differently and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
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Is Timing Important In National Wealth Center?

Is Timing Important In National Wealth Center?

is timing important national wealth center

I get asked this question alot and that is if ‘timing is important when joining an opportunity’…

Alot of people think it is critical that if you join an opportunity like National Wealth Center, you MUST join an opportunity right when it launches to be able to promote successfully or be effective in being a member.

In this post I am going to delve into this subject deeply and give everyone the truth about this question!

So How Important is Timing When Joining National Wealth Center Or Any Online Opportunity?

While I will say that joining an opportunity does have some importance, it is not by far the most important aspect of joining an online business whatsoever.

For example, the first online opportunity I joined, which was ‘Infinity Downline’ which is now what you see as National Wealth Center…I joined 4 years after that program launched!

I then became the biggest promoter of that opportunity by far, not because of WHEN I joined but because of HOW I marketed the opportunity.  It’s all about what kind of marketer you are…

No matter when you join an opportunity does not having anything to do whatsoever whether you have success with that opportunity or not!

The main reasons why you will be successful with any opportunity is for these reasons:

  • You legitimately like and resonate with your opportunity
  • You are excited about your opportunity and want to share the opportunity with everyone
  • You can effectively explain your opportunity to others in the right way
  • You can or learn how to effectively market your opportunity to others
  • You offer alot of value in the market for your opportunity

So as you see, it’s never about WHEN you join an opportunity like National Wealth Center, it is always HOW you market your opportunity to others when you do join.

Now let’s be very clear, if you want to join an opportunity then BY ALL MEANS do not and I repeat DO NOT procrastinate and get overloaded with information, join the opportunity and get started learning and applying yourself for big success!

Just don’t believe that you HAVE to join something when it first launches, it’s all about HOW you learn to market your opportunity when you do join.

So How Do You Join an Opportunity and Market the Right Way for Big Success?

If you are new to online marketing and looking into the National Wealth Center opportunity, joining the right sponsor is critical to your success.

I teach everyone on exactly what it takes to build a huge income and success online and will make you into a great marketer through my exclusive training you can preview right here.

So if you are ready to big things and have big success online, then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

National Wealth Center Ultimate Sales Funnel – Full Review!

I’ve been getting asked alot of questions regarding the New National Wealth Center Sales Funnel I’ve created, so I wanted to put together a full review of the Sales funnel and how it works and also more importantly how it will make you alot of income in more ways than one for the National Wealth Center program!

In this video I go through the entire process and explain how the sales funnel is really amazing:

In this post I will go through and explain each part of the sales funnel to fully detail how beneficial this is for anyone looking into a sales system that will absolutely sell the National Wealth Center program for you.

What Makes the National Wealth Center Ultimate Sales Funnel So Good?

As in the video, I will list the largest benefits of using the ‘Ultimate National Wealth Center Sales Funnel’ to build your National Wealth Center business:

  • Will completely Sell the National Wealth Center program for you
  • No selling on your part whatsoever; just leverage myself and my results for you to produce sales and build your downline
  • Allows you to build your OWN list and keep your OWN leads
  • The entire high converting sales funnel process from the capture page, sales page, and signup page is created for you
  • Sales funnel is customizable so you can edit and change the content on the sales page to anything you wish if needed
  • Incredibly easy to setup for your own National Wealth Center affiliate link
  • Completely done for you 21 part email campaign series created for you within the sales funnel
  • Builds a Secondary Income as your Referrals join to take part in the Sales Funnel as well
  • Allows you to further brand and personalize yourself as a leader in NWC (if you wish to do so)

When creating the ‘Ultimate Sales Funnel’ I wanted to put together something that would solve all the usual problems when someone who joins a business opportunity would face, such as:

  • Not having a good system set in place when joining to get sales (just use the funnel)
  • Not knowing how to build a website or have time to do so (just plug into the funnel)
  • Not having any success of your own yet to show results to entice prospects (just use the funnel)
  • Not having any online sales experience or any sales knowledge to produce results (just use the funnel)
  • Not having a single clue about internet marketing (just use the funnel)

I’ve noticed as having great success with the National Wealth Center opportunity, these are the biggest problems people face when signing up into a business opportunity and the sales funnel I created solves all of these issues for anyone looking to get their National Wealth Center business off to a roaring start.

So Who is the National Wealth Center Sales Funnel For and Who Can Use the Funnel?

I get asked this question most of all so wanted to clarify who the sales funnel is created for and how to get access to and use the funnel.

The Ultimate Sales Funnel for National Wealth Center is created for my personally referred members into the National Wealth Center opportunity, and also for their referrals as well.

I have a ton of people who are sponsored by other sponsors within the National Wealth Center and ask if they can have access to and use the funnel as well.

Members in the National Wealth Center opportunity who are not sponsored by myself directly can gain access to the sales funnel by joining the marketing platform I used to create the sales funnel.  This enters us into a mutual business relationship with the marketing platform compensation plan as well and also allows me to help anyone within the National Wealth Center program not sponsored directly by myself personally.

Please contact me below to get more details on gaining access to the sales funnel if not directly sponsored through myself.

And if you are reading this post and are looking into the National Wealth Center, then I don’t know what in the heck you are waiting for!  Click the ‘Register Now’ button to get started now…
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James Matthews
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National Wealth Center Vehicle Advantage Program

National Wealth Center Vehicle Advantage Program

national wealth center vehicle advantage program

One of the great new features of the National Wealth Center program is the New Vehicle Advantage Program.

In this post I want to explain more about this feature and further add to how this is benefiting each member of National Wealth Center as just another perk for being apart of this great opportunity.

National Wealth Center moving into 2016 is adding so many new features I have no idea why anyone would not want to be a member!

So Just What is the National Wealth Center Vehicle Advantage Program?

The National Wealth Center Vehicle Advantage Program is a vehicle purchase savings platform where NWC members can save thousands on a new car purchase or lease.

I will be featuring more information and tutorials about this great feature soon, but as a National Wealth Center member you can basically search any type of vehicle you want or are interested in and have the savings platform do the work for you in finding your perfect vehicle.

If you’ve ever used online car searching sites like autotrader or, then you woud be familiar of how this feature works…

The big difference however is that the National Wealth Center Vehicle Advantage Program will actually go to work in saving you thousands off your vehicle purchase!

Who Can Use the National Wealth Center Vehicle Advantage Program?

The Vehicle Advantage Program is ONLY available to National Wealth Center members and is another new amazing feature for members only.

This feature was added to give NWC members yet another great feature as being a valued member.

No other opportunity on the planet gives its members as much quality in perks and incentives as National Wealth Center and no other opportunity compares to National Wealth Center.

If you are ready for an opportunity that does everything in its power to help its member base with an amazing compensation plan, member perks, and all out easiest way to make a full time income then go ahead and click the ‘Register Now’ button below…
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James Matthews
national wealth center join now


Who Has the Best Team In National Wealth Center?

Who Has the Best Team in National Wealth Center?

 national wealth center team

In the online network marketing industry, you always hear the word ‘team’ thrown around alot within an opportunity like National Wealth Center.

People who are looking into an opportunity are really bombarded by ‘who has the best team’ and it is my intention within this post to really put some clarity onto this concept and what this actually means.

In this post I am going to explain why this concept of ‘teams’ is something you definitely want to stay away from if you want huge massive success in any online opportunity.

Don’t believe me?  Well Read On…

Why No One Has the Best Team in National Wealth Center

I have over 1,000 people and counting in National Wealth Center and I have never once referred to my downline as a team with a specific catchy team name or anything like that whatsoever.

Why not?

There are some things you really have to understand about the industry of online network marketing and some people are going to be offended by this but here is the truth:

‘Teams’ create divisiveness within an opportunity

What does that mean?  Well pay attention to these points and I will clearly explain:

  • Marketers who talk about their ‘teams’ always claim they have the ‘number 1 team’
  • Marketers who talk about their ‘teams’ almost always bash another ‘team’ because they are not on their ‘team’
  • Most anyone who follows this ‘team’ mentality are almost always guilty of cross-recruiting within an opportunity and always become terminated
  • ‘Teams’ are always at war with one another on whose ‘team’ is better than the other ‘team’
  • ‘Teams’ always create a huge amount of infighting within an opportunity and always attack anyone successful for the opportunity that is not part of their ‘team’

These are the very reasons I do not talk about my ‘team’ within National Wealth Center.  My downline within National Wealth Center are very special individual people who have their own strengths and their own goals with the opportunity.

I am not playing a cheesy game and have a ‘team’, I am building a giant income with a great opportunity and helping each of my members as much as possible.

The whole concept of ‘team’ within an opportunity really makes me nauseous and now you know why.

Why You Shouldn’t Talk About Your Team in National Wealth Center

If you are constantly talking about how great your ‘team’ is within National Wealth Center, let me tell you this and take it to heart because I am one of the biggest leaders in the industry:

No one will join you

If you are not adding value to what you are offering to your prospects from a personal standpoint to where they can get to know you individually, then you are going nowhere fast.

I’ve put over 1,000 people in National Wealth Center by marketing and putting in work to my business, not constantly talking about how great my ‘team’ is.

I am concerned with my own results and my own efforts, not my ‘team’.   Those who take action and apply my training have huge success as well, those that do not have no accountability and responsibility and that’s the cold hard truth.

If I spend all my time taking in every question or concern of my ‘team’ then I am not continually working my own business and getting greater and greater results.

I hope this post has enlightened you and you understand more of the truth of this industry, if you are tired of the usual hype and garbage of things like ‘teams’ and ‘who has the best team’ and want to get real results and learn how to dominate the opportunity, then click the ‘Register Now’ button below…
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James Matthews
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