Archive for August, 2014

Can You Get Free With National Wealth Center?

Can You Get Freedom With National Wealth Center?

national wealth center freedom

Braveheart is one of my favorite movies, and when I think about being ‘FREE’ in terms of ‘Freedom’ I think of:

– Not having a Job

– Having ALOT of Income

– Not being Told What To Do

– Not having to Work With Miserable Co-Workers

– Being Able To Travel When You Want

– Do Whatever You Want, Whenever You Want (Most Important)

Most everyone wants ‘Financial Freedom’ whether it’s in any kind of business, but I always get asked if this is possible with an online business such as National Wealth Center. This is all dependent on the person and how hard they are willing to work in whatever business they are in, but I will say that achieving financial freedom with National Wealth Center would be much much easier than any other business out there.

Why is Freedom Easier With National Wealth Center?

There are many reasons why an Online Business is much easier than any type of business, but I’ll list the biggest benefits:

– Work When You Want

– Work From Anywhere

– Complete Residual (Passive) Income

– No Building To Open at 6:00 Am (Yikes!)

– Set Your Own Time

These are just a few of the big reasons why an online business is much better than any business. I know alot of business owners that have car dealerships, restaurants, or any type of brick & mortar business and their business completely owns their life. They cannot do anything, go anywhere due to their business having to be opened, have employees, inventory, etc. and all that headache. I’ve seen enough traditional business owners have nervous breakdowns to decide that I NEVER want to do that!

With an online business, your store is open 24/7 through the internet and you are continually gaining new and new referrals on autopilot, without you ever really doing any direct work. For me and my traveling lifestyle, National Wealth Center was an absolutely no-brainer. There is no other opportunity out there that allows anyone to get started with $25 and turn that into absolute wealth and time freedom. I am very fortunate to have found and use this opportunity from the very beginning.

So Can You have Freedom With National Wealth Center Too?

You can have my same success in National Wealth Center if you just apply these 2 principles:

– Don’t Ever Give Up

– Be A Real Person

These are the major 2 reasons for my success and anyone on the planet can be as successful as they want to with this business if they just choose to work hard and put my training into action. There will always be excuse makers, lazy, unmotivated, something for nothing type of individuals but everyone of my members who decides to work their business is having success.

Are You Ready For Freedom? If so click the ‘Register Now’ Button below…

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James Matthews
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National Wealth Center – Why It’s Better Than Everything Else!

I get asked all the time these questions: “Hey James, What’s So Great About National Wealth Center?” “Why Is It Better than this or that company?” So I thought it would be best to make a post to describe to the masses just how much better it is than 95% of the programs online and all the highpoints of the business.

Please watch this video first to get a visual of why it’s so awesome:

Why Is National Wealth Center Better?

Infinity Downline is better

Don’t be like this guy, join National Wealth Center 😉

Here is why National Wealth Center is better than most anything out there:






Those are the main points of why I find this business beneficial vs. all the other MLM, matrix comp plans, network marketing programs out there today. What I also love about National Wealth Center is that the cost is so low with $25, anybody can do this and best of all…no one is getting hurt like these other programs where you have to have at least $125 in autoship or personal volume coming in every single month to even get paid….that’s ridiculous.

Is National Wealth Center Really Better Than Everything Else Out There?

Don’t get me wrong, there are alot of great programs out there, but for me when I looked into the compensation plan of National Wealth Center, just how easy it was, just how easy the payments coming in start to compound, how beneficial the products were, etc. it was just a ‘no-brainer’ for me. My mother personally learned how to use Microsoft Excel in the product library, how cool is that for real life world example?

To me there is really nothing that compares, National Wealth Center has been copied many times and after 4 years the company is stronger than ever and I’m experiencing signups on a daily basis. So glad I chose the right company to get involved with while so many people are failing left and right promoting other programs.

If You are Ready To Dominate National Wealth Center then just click the ‘Register Now’ Button below…

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James Matthews
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Massive Success For Any Networking Opportunity – Why Do Some People Have All the Success In Network Marketing While Others Struggle?

I get asked this question alot: “Hey James, How Do You Get All Those Signups In National Wealth Center?” When I get asked a certain question alot, I like to write a post to explain that particular question. It’s actually a really simple process, but most 95% of online marketers get this dead wrong, and I always wonder why most people don’t get this but oh well…..

national wealth center stress

Here is the ‘secret’ or ‘magic’ formula you’ve been missing all this time that will bring you massive success to National Wealth Center or whatever you are promoting online:

1. Be A Real Live Actual Person

2. Be Helpful and Provide Actual Useful Content (just like the post I’m creating right now)

3. Work Everyday and Do Something to Promote Your Business Every Single Day

Here is What To Do if You DON’T Want Network Marketing Success Online…

What I see most people doing online is this, and this is what you want to do if you want NO success and not make a dime or build a long term business for yourself:

1. Promote Money first (flashing cash – if your business is all about ‘money’, you are attracting people that only care about ‘money’, good luck with those types of people…

flashing cash national wealth center
We are all very impressed by the 20’s you cashed from your J.O.B you very successful internet marketer (I hope your catching my sarcasm)

2. Hiding behind a computer – money is not going to fall out of the sky into your bank account just because you signed up into a business. This is work like anything else in life. The more work you put into your business, the more success you will have. Plain and simple. Most do not understand work. Annihilate half the competition by working your ass off for your opportunity online. Get yourself out there and let people see you as a leader in your opportunity!

3. Not Help – Network Marketing is a Helping Profession. If you are not fully prepared to have something set in place for your referrals to give them the assistance they need, then do yourself a favor and do something else. If you are not going to return questions or help your referrals when they have problems, then go ahead and do something else.

Willing to Be Helped and Help Others is the #1 Rule in this game of Network/Internet Marketing, if you break this one fundamental rule you will struggle and continue to wonder why you are not making any progress…

So How Do I Have Network Marketing Success?

Understand the concepts above and get with the right person who can show you how to do the RIGHT THINGS. It’s really that simple. I teach everyone how to build a long term successful business and how to attract the right kind of people into your business. If that sounds like something you are interested in, then I would love to hear from you. You won’t find an easier program than National Wealth Center to build a large income for yourself, but only if you are trained the right way…

Click the ‘Register Now’ button below if you are ready for Network Marketing Success…
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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

Why You Should Never Ever Give Up…Ever

national wealth center never give up

I wanted to take the time to write a post about something that is very dear to me, and that is Persistence and Never Ever Giving Up. No matter what.

We live in a society that for the most part “wants something for nothing”. Most everyone also ‘wants it fast’ without really realizing the amount of hard work that goes into building an online business…or any business for that matter. I deal with all types of individuals that ask me about National Wealth Center, and some of the questions I get asked most of all is:

“Is This Easy?”

“Is This Hard?”

“How Quickly Can I Make Money?”

These questions cannot be answered in a 1 word answer. Most everyone that asks this type of question is setting themselves up for failure way before they even start. Here is an Untold Truth about Network & Internet Marketing that no one else will probably ever tell you:

“If it was so easy to make a ton of money online, all your family and friends would be making a full-time income online….no one would be working at the jobs they hate each and everyday”

You will not hear that very often. Especially from those releasing new products that claim you can make “$12,742 in 21 days” etc. This is complete and utter nonsense for anyone who has no idea of how to market online. I am absolutely so sick of the ‘hype’ and ‘false claims’ out there. It really sickens me to my stomach, because I know people are actually falling for it.

The Importance of Not Giving Up…Ever

Anyone honest will tell you that any type of marketing, especially in the beginning is agonizing, frustrating, overwhelming, etc. What separates those of us that are successful is that we pushed through these obstacles. We learned and tested and we see what works vs. all of the failure and disappointment it took to get here. WE NEVER QUIT.

It took me quite awhile before I made a dime in National Wealth Center. But when I did, and I applied what works, my income skyrocketed and I still can’t believe how well I’m doing with it. It has honestly fulfilled the dream I had of ‘making money while I sleep’ over and over again to a point where I became fully free,not having to be anywhere at anytime.

That is priceless.

I hope the main message of this post really hits home. Giving Up or Quitting is never an option. I can still remember my grandfather, who was a veteran, teaching me these lessons when I was very small child. You never ever Give Up….Ever. No matter how bad it gets, how alone you are, how hopeless the situation is you never give up and you never quit. I love this picture and what it describes about this concept:

national wealth center never quit

Online & Network Marketing is full of people that quit. All programs are easy to get into and easy to get out of. Most will not stay in due to lack of focus, lack of making time, making excuses, coming up with insane reasons why it won’t work etc., but that’s ok…..because those of us that don’t quit just keep making all the money…and that’s the way it should be 😉

If you are the type of person that understands the importance of ‘Never giving up’ then click the ‘Register Now’ button below to start getting free with National Wealth Center…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

How To Have Success in National Wealth Center…

national wealth center money

If I could sum up what it takes to be successful in National Wealth Center, or any opportunity for that matter, is it one very simple important concept:

Never Quit

When you first get started in an opportunity, you are red hot excited and ready to sign up 1,000 people and change your life forever. But what usually happens for 95% of people, and leads to the 95% failure rate, is that the first obstacle or bump in the road is felt, people give up right then and there…

Don’t believe me? How many people you know sit on the recliner and tell you how many things they should have done, could have done, if only something didn’t happen or for some reason they make up that validates their failure. I personally don’t believe in such a thing as failure, but I do believe a person can give up and quit, and I see people do this quite a bit in whatever goal or achievement they set.

I personally know people who have been in business for years, struggled the entire time, and finally figured out what finally works and are living the lifestyle they always wanted. What do you think they would tell you?

Never Quit.

It’s just that simple. If your not in the game to play it till the very end, then be sure you want to get started in the first place.

How Not To Have Success in National Wealth Center

Here is a guaranteed way to not have success in National Wealth Center, or any opportunity for that matter:

  • Give Up
  • Make Excuses
  • Blame someone else or something else
  • Constantly say to yourself “I just don’t have time”
  • Sit on the recliner watching TV or playing Xbox and wishing for things to happen

Those are sure fire ways to never get anywhere in this business. I know because I did for the first 6 months I was in National Wealth Center. I was not focused, discipline, and I was just ‘waiting’ for things to happen. The secret is that if your waiting for something or someone to make things happen for you, things will NEVER happen. You are responsible for your success and no one is responsible for you. The quicker you realize this the quicker you’ll start to make things happen.

The Real Secret To Success With National Wealth Center

Here is the real truth to success. Everyone’s minds will do whatever it takes to keep them complacent and lazy. Our mindsets are our greatest enemy. If you can conquer your mindset you can create whatever success you want. This is why 95% of marketers fail, they cannot overcome their mindset and they let their minds control their behavior. This is what makes it so much easier for yourself and I to be successful. If your willing to work and fight and control your mindset, the world is yours.

Wanna hear some good news? No one ever really quits National Wealth Center, I can’t even begin to count my signups and I’ve never once had anyone just give up and quit. Why? 25$ startup fee, 100% commissions, and super simple program to talk about. How does that compare to the opportunity you are in?

What I thought…

If you are ready to get started with the best home based business on the planet, then just click the ‘Register Now’ Button below…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

Internet Marketing is Work

I get asked alot of really strange questions from people interested in National Wealth Center. I won’t list all of them obviously but there are several questions I’ve learned to ‘watch out for’ in regards to this business, or if you are running any business and who you personally sponsor. Watch Out for these questions:

“Is this Hard?”

“Do I Have To Do Anything?”

“How Many Hours Do You Spend On This Weekly?”

“How Long Will it Take For Me to Make Money?”

“How Can I Make Money the Minute after I Signup?”

“Will You Do All the Work For Me?” <——- Huge Red Flag

I’m always honest, so I’m gonna tell you a very shocking truth about Internet Marketing, Network Marketing, or any business or opportunity under the sun:


There it is. I hate to disappoint anyone who thinks that they can join any opportunity like National Wealth Center and money just falls out of the sky. You know who you are. You’ve never been successful at anything besides complaining and it’s always the company’s fault, the compensation plan, no one is interested, etc. etc. etc.

The truth is that you can be absolutely successful at whatever company or product you are promoting if you are willing to put in the work to do so.

People who are successful don’t make excuses, they make money.

If it was so incredibly easy for anyone to be successful in this industry, then everyone would be 6 & 7 figure earners. I don’t understand why anyone thinks you get ‘something for nothing‘. I was taught from day one that all success is dependent on one thing:

How Much Effort You Put Forth X The Amount of Skill You Have

When I first got involved in Internet Marketing, I had NO idea what I was doing and obviously didn’t make a single dime, but I knew that if I kept going I would figure out what works. Then just duplicate those same methods again and again. This was hard work. Everything is hard work. But then you reach a milestone and learn this important concept:

national wealth center think smarter

You will learn, and we will teach you how to ‘Work Smart’ and leverage your time instead of ‘Work Hard’. Technology, software, and applications do alot of work for the savvy Internet Marketer these days 😉

But if your looking for someone that is going to lie to you and tell you that there is no learning curve in internet marketing, that you can just sign up and make thousands of dollars every single day and live a lifestyle you’ve dreamed of, let me clearly state that I am not that person. This is work like anything.

If I ever refer to this as ‘easy’ it’s because I’ve had my fair share of miserable jobs in my day.  Anything I can do from home and make hundreds of 100% commissions like National Wealth Center is definitely easier than working 10-12 hours at a job and putting up with the insane amount of usual complications working for someone else…

Now let me also say that all the hard work does pay off, and wow is it nice when you wake up to money everyday, but this does not happen overnight if you are brand new to the game. Every big earner will tell you the exact same thing.

If your one of the people who understand work and want to put for the effort to truly change your finances and your life, while waking up to 100 % commissions, then let me know. I’ll show you what works so you won’t have to struggle like I did.

Just Click the ‘Register Now’ Button Below…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

How Do I Make Alot of Money With National Wealth Center?

Do I have to get tons and tons of signups with $25 to make a considerable amount of money?

Everyone thinks, “That $25 is not that much, I must have to get tons of signups to make money?

This is entirely not true, National Wealth Center’s compensation plan is based around leveraging due to the Reverse 2 Up System (2 & 4th member from your signups are passed up to you). So in reality, if you get 4 signups, you are potentially getting 8 signups, and so on and so on. This continues to compound over the life of membership and as you actively recruit more and more members and they duplicate the same process.

This is how myself and other top earners really created a sizeable income in a very short amount of time. Think about duplication instead of you in the trenches doing all the work yourself. It’s an amazing concept and National Wealth Center is so great, and so easy that ANYONE can do it. I even have senior citizens learning more about their computer and recruiting others!

25$ sure goes a long way, especially in this opportunity…

When we also look into the higher monthly levels within National Wealth Center the amount of money gets really crazy.

Let’s think about 100 signups at the $25 level would be $2500 monthly right?

Let’s now think about the Business development $50 level at 100 people would be $5000 monthly!

Think about 100 people at the $100 Wealth advantage level and you are making a whopping $10,000 a month!

If that starts sounding interesting let’s combine all 3 monthly levels at the basic self development $25, the business development $50, and the wealth advantage $100 combined at $175 a month…

Put 100 people into your business at all 3 levels and you are making an amazing a near $20,000 monthly at $17,500!!

If that sounds good then just simply click the ‘Register Now’ Button below…

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James Matthews
national wealth center join now

Why Online Business is Better than Traditional Business

national wealth center going out of business

I had a really thought provoking experience yesterday, and I couldn’t think of a better place to share than on my National Wealth Center blog, because after all National Wealth Center is an online business, operated from the comfort of my own home.

I was asked by a local car dealership to do some online marketing for their inventory, in hopes of bringing in more sales and not be dependent on the local area mainly but advertise all over the Southeast. I don’t normally do something like this, but due to my IT business local businesses contact me for this sort of thing and at times it pays well. I agreed and started placing ads all over car selling websites, taking alot of my time and effort away from my online business.

Within 1 day of being within the dealership, I noticed several very important things:

  • The owner was very stressed
  • The owner told me several times he was ‘burnt-out’
  • The owner claimed that he was tired of dealing with a**holes coming into his dealership each day
  • The owner told me that there was no way he could continue operating this business on his own and had struggled in finding good ‘help’

About the second day I was there, this same owner completely ‘flipped his lid’ and I won’t go too much into it, but basically started blaming me why his business was failing, why it was so stressful, why his marriage was on the rocks, etc. etc. etc…….basically having a nervous breakdown in front of me and using some very foul language. I immediately packed my things and left right then and there like the rockstar I am 😉

This guy worked every single day, operating every part of his business, worked from 7:00 Am to 8:00 Pm every night in hopes of someone walking onto his car lot and making a sale.

This led me to a very important realization:

“Why Does Anyone Put Themselves Through This?”

The internet has made things so incredibly easy for anyone to start a profitable online business right from their laptop. Yes, it does involve work and yes you have to put work into marketing in your business, but why would anyone run around in a traditional business doing 5 different jobs instead of outsource different parts of the business or just completely retire altogether, worst case scenario sell the business? This guy was definitely in retirement age by far.

Holding onto the traditional brick and mortar business and managing employees and putting up with all that drama seems very ancient to me. I do realize that alot of people are operating these businesses to put food on the table, and I’ll be the first to congratulate them, but life is too short and technology is too convenient for you not to plan an escape plan of some sort if your not happy. Is all this that important that it affects your health and well-being and makes you miserable?

national wealth center job stress

I didn’t feel sorry for the guy, especially after the fact blaming everything and everyone else why the business wasn’t doing well. You are where you are in life because of what you do in life. True entrepreneurs know this.

If you read this article and don’t like where you are in life or are tired of the traditional way of doing things, I want to ask you just one question:

“What are you going to do about it?” 😉

Hopefully you’ve wised and made the decision to join National Wealth Center and dominate with my training, if so just click the ‘Register Now’ Button below…

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James Matthews
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Are There Any Additional Expenses To Get Started With National Wealth Center?

national wealth center money

What Is The real Cost Involved With National Wealth Center?

All too often I hear horror stories of how people were mislead into joining a program that required no additional fees, only to find out that they’ve been back-ended into another ‘deal’ or additional expense once they’ve signed up. Personally, I don’t agree with doing business this way. I feel that it is important to be upfront and honest with your new partners / teammates as this will get your new business relationships started on the right foot.

What National Wealth Center REALLY Costs…

So, let’s look at what it really costs to get started with National Wealth Center, or any business online for that matter.

As a business owner or Entrepreneur it should be your goal to try and minimize your costs and expenses. If you were to compare the costs of National Wealth Center to ANY other business, you would soon find that having your own 100% commission based business has some major perks.

Let’s say for example that you were to open a traditional store – one where you needed to purchase products and resell them at a higher rate to achieve a profit. That could be any type of store for example:

national wealth center business

  • A Restaurant
  • A Gas Station
  • A Convenient Store
  • A Clothing Store
  • An Electronics Store

… You get the point.

Every store that I mentioned above not only requires that you purchase products to resell at a higher rate, but it also requires Employees, Rent, Mortgage, Overhead, and not to mention probably close to a hundred thousand dollars just to get the doors open. Ouch!

As you can tell – owning a traditional business can be extremely costly, hence the extremely high failure rate.

The advantages of an online business like National Wealth Center

Now, that’s not to say that owning your own Internet Business doesn’t have expenses, but I can guarantee you that the start-up is much much lower.

I personally always recommend a few things to anyone who wants to go into business for themselves online. It doesn’t matter if you own a shoe store or a business like National Wealth Center. If you plan to market your business online you’re going to need a web site, a way to automate the process of keeping track of your customers, and a way to accept money.

national wealth center websites

To do this you’ll need:

  • A Domain Name
  • Hosting
  • An Autoresponder
  • A Merchant Account.

Let’s understand why I recommend the above mentioned and how with my team in National Wealth Center you can avoid most (if not all) of these additional expenses.

To get a website online for National Wealth Center, you need a domain name and a hosting account. A domain name can range anywhere from $2 to $13 per year and hosting is about $6 a month – not too bad right?

An Autoresponder will keep track of your customers and also send automated messages to them to help persuade them from purchasing from you. An autoresponder costs $1 for your first month and $17 each additional month thereafter. I personally have created a great autoresponder follow up series that my team has complete access to for free. I have literally done all the hard work in writing all your National Wealth Center follow up messages. You simply copy and paste a code that I give to you into your autoresponder and bam – you just saved a month’s worth of work.

And lastly, you’ll need a merchant account. Because National Wealth Center doesn’t earn a profit, you need to accept 100% commissions directly into your bank. There’s no waiting around for the company to pay you. You can decide to use your own professional merchant for this or you can simply use a merchant like paypal. Either one is fine however, I suggest using a professional merchant when you start to bring in the big bucks. I have instructions on how to do this in my National Wealth Center Team Training and this usually costs around $15 a month.

Now, if you add all of this up, you’re looking at a total of around $45.00 To start up your own 100% commission based business.

Is that not crazy or what!!!?

Especially when you take in the fact that personally earned over $1500 my first couple months with National Wealth Center, and it cost me less than a night out with friends to our local pizza shop. Compare that to opening up a traditional business in the hundreds of thousands of dollars with only a fraction of chance that you will succeed.

How To Eliminate Your Start Up Costs With National Wealth Center

I understand that getting started in this industry can be a tough decision – especially if you are struggling to make ends meet. Believe me, we’ve all been there.

When I got started with National Wealth Center in March of 2011 I was several thousand dollars in debt and really didn’t have a penny to spare. And although I risked it, spent my last dime, and told myself that there was no possibility of failure, I don’t ever want to have to put someone else in the same predicament that I was in back then.

So, Is National Wealth Center Right For You?

If I had the ability to pick up the tens of thousands of dollars worth of education and training that you have at your fingertips right now, for a measly $25 when I was getting started – You can bet I would jump at it, and more than likely pay ten times that price without question.


You see, over the years I have spent a small fortune to learn the things that I now teach my team. It is because I decided to educate myself in this industry that I have become a success, and gone on to earning multiple 6 figures yearly online.

You now have the ability to pick up this training, and education that costs me tens of thousands of dollars, and use the same systems, literally everything that I personally use to run a successful business, for less than the cost of pizza with friends.

Everything is in place for you this very moment to get you moving in the right direction. Now it comes down to you. Are you ready to take action towards changing your life?

If so then just click the ‘Register Now’ Button Below…

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James Matthews
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How To Market National Wealth Center…

What is The Best Way To Market Your National Wealth Center Business?

national wealth center marketing

When it comes to marketing your National Wealth Center business, the possibilities are endless…….

Offline marketing (if online marketing seems a little too daunting) would be using resources such as postcards, flyers, business cards, magnets (for their cars or to pass out and put on people’s fridges). Some move into voice / phone broadcasting, and some even hold weekly meetings at local restaurants, hotels, or houses with great successes.

For many though, including myself – this style of marketing, although it can be effective, is NOT my first choice (more on this later). This form of marketing is great for physical products however.

Online Internet Marketing is a newer style of advertising that many people, until recently have not taken advantage of. Where offline marketing can be effective, it usually comes with a cost. Marketing your National Wealth Center business using resources like facebook, blogs, articles, videos, and SEO can be completely free… and who doesn’t like free? I love free.

When you decide to expand your business, you can move into paid traffic generation methods such as PPC on facebook, yahoo and bing, and also media buys. What’s even better is that 98% of my income comes from free online traffic generation methods. PPC, and Media Buys are great and can bring you quick sales, but really getting out there and consistently creating some good content (just like this site) is sure to bring you Free heavy traffic and sales.

So what traffic generation method is best suited for you, and how are YOU going to advertise your National Wealth Center Business?

This is a question that YOU must answer. YOU must choose which method is best for you. When I first got my start, I quickly realized that offline marketing was NOT for me when marketing digital or online products or opportunities.

Nothing against it, it just wasn’t my style of marketing. I wanted to leverage my time and efforts using the power of the internet reaching literally thousands of people per day that are actually interested in what I am marketing rather than having to explain my business offline to friends and family that are potentially not interested. I’m sure you can relate on the former 😉

If Internet Marketing sounds appealing to you, I have extensive training, resources, tools, and step-by-step video tutorials valued at nearly $20K available for my team to learn from and apply. I touch on almost all genres of Internet Marketing but it will be up to you to choose which one you would like to get started with.

My suggestion though – whatever you choose, learn from my training and stick with a single marketing strategy for 6 weeks and master it. Once you’ve got it down and your bringing in sales, move on to the next.. and repeat the same process for 6 weeks. Pretty soon you’ll be a pro 😉

Ready to Dominate National Wealth Center, then just simply click ‘Register Now’ below…

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James Matthews
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